Tut mir leid, Backflip!! ist auf Netflix Österreich nicht verfügbar, aber Sie können es jetzt in Österreich freischalten und anfangen, es sich anzusehen! Mit ein paar einfachen Schritten können Sie Ihre Netflix-Region in ein Land wie Japan ändern und beginnen, Netflix Japan anzusehen, das Backflip!! enthält.
So schauen Sie sich Backflip!! auf Netflix anShoutarou Futabas Liebe für die rhythmische Sportgymnastik entflammte, als er im Sommer seines letzten Mittelschuljahrs bei einem Turnier zugesehen hatte. Prompt entschloss er sich dazu, an der Oberschule dem Jungen-Gymnastikklub beizutreten. Dort lernte er auch seinen einzigartigen Senpai, den Star-Turner Ryouya Misato kennen, und kann seitdem nicht anders, als ihn zu bewundern. Auch wenn es immer wieder Höhen und Tiefen innerhalb des Teams gibt, wollen Shoutarou, Ryouya und ihre Teamkameraden nicht aufgeben – die rhythmische Sportgymnastik ist und bleibt eben ihre Leidenschaft! Gemeinsam wollen sie noch stärker werden und jedes kommende Turnier gewinnen!
After a life-changing encounter with men's rhythm gymnastics, Shotaro Futaba joins the team at Soshukan High School. There he meets a collection of colorful characters, including Ryoya Misato, a fellow first-year and middle school gymnastics star.
Shotaro moves into a dorm with the other members of the men's rhythmic gymnastics team, but he'll need to pass a test to participate in their six-man routine.
A training camp is scheduled between Ao High and rival school Shiro High. Hoping to catch up with the others, Shotaro goes to train in the park, where he encounters a mysterious boy.
A striking performance by Shiro High plunges the still uncoordinated Ao High team into uncertainty. Can words from Coach Shidai turn things around?
The training camp is coming to an end, but with a few hours left, Mashiro suggests a game of hide-and-seek. But as with everything between Ao High and Shiro High, this too becomes a competition!
It's time for the prefectural tournament! Shotaro is doing his best to prepare for what will be his first official competition, but he nevertheless struggles with fear and nerves about the upcoming event.
The Ao High boys are forbidden from using the university mat unless they pass all their midterms?! Theirs is the only school with this policy, but the story of why goes back to the team's founding three years ago...
Onagawa gets into an accident and hurts his ankle. The other boys do all they can to support his recovery, but it appears there's something he's not telling them...
The coach suggests a new group lift to increase their routine's difficulty for regionals, but Misato can't seem to get the hang of it...
The boys are supposed to take the day before the tournament to rest, but they find they can't sit still. The only solution: cleaning the dorm!
With the pain in his arm growing worse, Shotaro is sent to the hospital just before the tournament. Meanwhile, the tension builds between the athletes of Ao High and Shiro High...
Shotaro returns to the hospital after their team's performance, with all of their futures left in the air. Will their team reach the Inter-High? And... will Shotaro ever perform again?
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