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Amy Tan: Unintended Memoir (2021)

May 21, 2021 Logo Netflix Logo Tmdb Logo IMDb Logo Rotten Tomatoes Logo Metacritic Logo

In 1989, writer Amy Tan experienced a tsunami of success that left the life she knew scattered to the winds. In the aftermath of that initial success, Amy slowly comes to terms with her history and her complicated relationship with her mother. All of this culminates into a collected works that accidentally maps the journey of Tan, through generations.

The cast of The JoyLuck Club - 8 Chinese women sitting together
Image Courtesy of TMDb

Amy Tan: An Unintended Memoir is a beautiful telling of a life unfolding through written works and somehow because the the words written. Amy Tan speaks at length of her own journey and shares footage of her mother sharing pieces of her story as well. Amy’s friends and husband also share treasured memories and insights throughout the piece.

Amy discusses her success, the criticism she received and how she wrote her way through he complicated emotions of a life changed by celebrity. She also talks at length about how living with her mother’s overwhelming grief and rage fueled by unspoken trauma affected her throughout her life.

A profile of Amy Tan
Image Courtesy of TMDb

Tan’s unfussy honesty and simple self reflection makes this documentary feel more like having coffee with a friend than anything else. her ease with herself and her story removes any awkwardness and leaves room for identifying with the common experience while appreciating Tan’s story as uniquely her own.

She is funny and kind to herself and to her mother while still being so relatable. Her friends and colleagues affirm this perception with their lovely memories and perceptions of Amy from over the years.

A woman, dressed in black on a dark stage
Image Courtesy of TMDb

Amy Tan: An Unintended Memoir is an easy watch that gives a deeper glimpse into a gifted writer who opened the doors to our hearts and minds through her words and stories.

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