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A Walk Among the Tombstones (2014)

March 31, 2022 Logo Netflix Logo Tmdb Logo IMDb Logo Rotten Tomatoes Logo Metacritic Logo

Nearly two decades ago Liam Neeson made the leap from moody, dramatic actor to growly action star. In this 2014 offering these personas collide as Neeson broods with the best of them while carrying off some significant action sequences. This is A Walk Among the Tombstones.

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Adapted from Lawrence Block’s 1992 novel of the same name, A Walk Among the Tombstones is a dark and calculating action film about a retired detective who gets pulled back into the world of drug dealers and violence when an old source comes to him for help. Matt Scudder’s (Liam Neeson) willingness to track the killers of a local drug boss leads him down a twisting path that challenges his hard-won sobriety and his determination to see the job through.

While this flick does fall within the action drama it is much more than a shoot ’em up serial cop thriller. It is nuanced and intelligent. The plot is unique and captivating and the characters are fleshed out and full of humanity. Neeson’s portrayal of Scudder is full of tension that brings an authenticity to the role that is a thing to behold.

Image Courtesy of TMDb

The character of Scudder had a previous screen attempt that was a misfire. Fans of Block’s signature character will not be disappointed this time as the Frank Scott takes the screenplay and directing of this film firmly in hand. The result is a solid film that garnered much praise. The only criticism that was consistent was the raw depiction of the torture of women. This made a few scenes incredible difficult to watch and brought forth questions about this particular directorial decision.

All in though, Neeson does a superb job of bringing a solid piece of writing to the big screen. Frank Scott’s vision for a moody, dramatic crime flick comes to life in a captivating and engaging way. In the end, all elements conspire to deliver a thoroughly enjoyable movie experience. Check out A Walk Among the Tombstone now on Netflix.

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