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Angel Has Fallen (2019)

April 4, 2022 Logo Netflix Logo Tmdb Logo IMDb Logo Rotten Tomatoes Logo Metacritic Logo

In 2013, Mike Banning saved the White House. In 2016 he saved London. In 2019 he has to save himself. This is Angel Has Fallen.

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Gerard Butler is a favourite of mine. Opera adaptation, sappy chick flick or action/thriller, I am a fan no matter what but the Olympus Has Fallen trilogy is Butler perfection. In this, the third instalment, Butler’s Mike Banning has to figure out who is framing him before his time runs out.

Angel Has Fallen opens with a coordinated assassination attempt against the president. The entire detail is targeted and Banning is the only one to make it through unscathed. Banning is taken into custody but escapes to begin is hunt for the real threat to the president and to his own survival.

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This offering in the series sees a return of Morgan Freeman, this time as President Allan Trumball, and the introduction of Nick Nolte as Clay Banning, Mike’s father. Other great casting includes Jada Pinkett-Smith as FBI agent Helen Thompson and Danny Huston as Mike’s former Ranger commanding officer, Wade Jennings.

Angel Has Fallen is the highest grossing film in the series thus far. While there are rumours of another installment, including a tentative name, Night Has Fallen, there is little other information available right now. All we know is the Butler is not only scheduled to reprise his role, he will also be filling a position of producer.

Images Courtesy of TMDb

Olympus Has Fallen, London Has Fallen, and Angel Has Fallen are all now available on Netflix – a prefect combination for some serious weekend binging.

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