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Bodyguard (2018)

April 4, 2021 Logo Netflix Logo Tmdb Logo IMDb Logo Rotten Tomatoes Logo Metacritic Logo

The BBC’s most popular debut series in a decade is on Netflix and you won’t want to miss it! Starring Game of Thrones‘ favourite, Richard Madden, as police sergeant David Budd, Bodyguard is an action packed political thriller that hits all the right notes.

Budd is a Afghanistan war vet, struggling with the emotional and relational fall-out of his PTSD symptoms but that doesn’t stop him from being a vigilant and dedicated police officer. Actually, his war experience seems to heighten his awareness on the job as he is able to thwart a terrorist attack at London’s busy Euston train station. His quick thinking and cool head allows the terrorists to be arrested, unharmed, and taken in for questioning. This earns Budd a promotion.

Image Courtesy of TMDb

Now as a member of the Homeland Secretary’s (Keeley Hawes) personal protection detail, Budd has an upfront seat to the politicking that goes on beyond closed doors and the policy making that results in Secretary Montague being a target herself. Budd’s job is made that much more difficult as it becomes evident that his views on personal surveillance in the name of national security are vastly different than those of the Secretary.

In the midst of the tension between Budd and Montague, there is a plot to use Budd’s PTSD struggles against him to set him up as a suicide bomber. Now Budd is fighting against, time, the system and bias against mental illness to save his city and himself.

Image Courtesy of TMDb

Bodyguard was nominated for several awards that resulted in star, Richard Madden taking home a Golden Globe for Best Actor. Its no wonder that this series was such a hit, the tension and pacing is stellar and the action sequences are on par with big budget, big screen favourites. Created and written by one of the UK’s leading writers, Jed Mercurio, Bodyguard has a cast of interesting and believable characters and follows many themes that are top of today’s global headlines.

If you are looking for a captivating thriller to sink into, look no further! Bodyguard is the perfect binge series to settle in to. And don’t worry, it looks like this show will be more than a one hit wonder!

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