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Honest Thief (2020)

March 30, 2021 Logo Netflix Logo Tmdb Logo IMDb Logo Rotten Tomatoes Logo Metacritic Logo

Despite claims at backing off the action movies, Liam Neeson delivers another action-packed thriller in Honest Thief that is topping the charts on Netflix Canada this week. Bank heists, revenge, love and duty collide in this flick about a retired marine who turns his military training into a vehicle to even the score but all of that changes when he meets a woman reminds him that life is more than risk and death.

A close up of a man looking at a map
Image Courtesy of TMDb

Liam Neeson is Tom Carter, a retired Marine whose unique method of bank robbery has left the police baffled for nearly a decade. His patient and precise method of scoping out a bank and finishing the job – without leaving a trace of how he had done it – earned him the nickname “In and Out Bandit.” Though remarkably successful, Carter gives it all up on a whim when he meets Annie (Kate Walsh) at the storage unit.

A man, sitting in a car, talking on a cell phone
Image Courtesy of TMDb

After deciding to quit the robbery racket and turn himself in so he may one day be free to love and live with Annie, Carter faces more than a few complications in his plan. Firstly, the FBI did not believe he was the “In and Out Bandit” when he called to arrange his surrender. After several days, two agents finally arrive to check out his claim. Not only did they check out his identity, they checked out with a significant amount of the cash he had stolen over the years.

A man holding a gun
Image Courtesy of TMDb

When Carter realizes that he’s dealing with crooked sops he stops at nothing to clear his name of murder and to take responsibility for his 8 bank robberies. All the while, Annie, once learning the truth, pledges to wait for Tom to repay his debt to society so they may truly begin their life together.

Honest Thief has a cheesy title and a few cringe-worthy lines but in the end, it is always a fun caper when Liam Neeson is at the helm. Kate Walsh puts in a solid effort as his love interest and Anthony Ramos is a fantastic addition to the cast. If you’re looking for a genuinely enjoyable action thriller look no further than Honest Thief.

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