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I Am All Girls (2021)

May 20, 2021 Logo Netflix Logo Tmdb Logo IMDb Logo Rotten Tomatoes Logo Metacritic Logo

One part true story, one part drama and one part the story of all trafficked girls, I Am All Girls is one hundred percent a crime thriller you don’t want to miss.

A collage with pictures of two police women investigating crimes
Image Courtesy of TMDb

Brought to us by a team of talented South African story tellers, I Am All Girls, is loosely based on true events that dive deep into the sinister world of human trafficking. This world is universe unto itself, involving government officials, wealthy business men from the middle east and decades of missing, tortured and murdered children. In this telling, one detective finds herself drowning in the sorrow while being driven by a deep sense of urgency of the overwhelming danger of adults preying on children.

A woman, crouching at the open door of a shipping container full of women and girls
Image Courtesy of TMDb

Already emmeshed in a quickly unravelling human trafficking case, Detective Jodie Snyman (Erica Wessels), is assigned a murder case that was meant to remove her from the stressful world of investigating child slavery and rape. Instead, the case drags her deeper into the impossible mystery of cracking an international child trafficking ring.

Snyman’s frustrations with always being a step behind the traffickers are compounded when some key players she had been investigating begin turning up dead with the initials of missing children carved into them. As Snyman follows leads to track the vigilante murderer she begins to understand and identify with her target. She realizes they are fueled by similar emotions and, without her badge, she may be compelled to take matters into her own hands, as well.

A woman, dressed in black, holding a gin, walking through a shipping container full of children
Image Courtesy of TMDb

The line between law and vigilante justice gets blurred as her suspect leads Snyman down the winding path of corruption and getting justice no matter what the cost.

The story is intriguing and well paced and the actors, particularly Hlubi Mboya, Masasa Mbangeni and Deon Lotz, bring an honesty and no-frills purity to their roles. This film checks all the boxes for a honest to goodness, well done crime thriller. Take the time to check out I Am All Girls, you won’t be sorry.

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