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Room 2806: The Accusation Gives a Second Look at Society’s View on Sexual Crimes

January 11, 2021

There was a time before the #Metoo movement, when victims scrutinized and challenged and assailants were romanticized and excused. There was a time, not too long ago, when boys would be boys and women were expected to be vigilant, wary and aware. Some would argue that we are still in that time. Room 2806: The Accusation is a four-part docuseries that spotlights a time before the #MeToo movement and, finally, gives voice to the victim of the assault that upended the French election in 2011.

Image Courtesy of TMDb

In May of 2011, the popular and worldly head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Dominique Strauss-Kahn (DSK) was on the fast track to become the next president of France. He was charismatic, modern and just a little bit cheeky, all of which endeared him to the people of France. He was also described by friends and colleagues as a “sensual” man. It was this “sensuality” that is being re-examined in this docu-series.

The series recounts the events leading up the the alleged assault in New York City in May of 2011 as well as the investigation and media frenzy that followed. DSK’s history, personal life and professional successes are highlighted in contrast to the NYC assault allegation and other allegations of sexual assault and misconduct that seemed to shadow the enigmatic DSK throughout his adult life.

While the story became an international scandal because of DSK’s persona and position, the deeper revelation of the docu-series is the skewed view society held, and stills holds in many cases, of the motivation for assault and the what constitutes consent. Room 2806: The Accusation breaks down the struggle that many victims face when trying to report assaults, especially against powerful, public figures.

Image Courtesy of TMDb

One episode of the series breaks down an earlier allegation of assault against DSK and the reaction the victims received from the media and society at the time. It is a scathing commentary on the pre-MeToo view of assault that still lingers today. But despite this history of sex-scandals and questionable conduct, DSK is never convicted of assault.

The current response to the handling of this decade old assault has been swift and severe. Twitter users have been particularly vocal about the disgusting way Diallo was treated and the flaw in France’s cultural view of sex, passion and consent.

While DSK and his representatives declined participation in Room 2806: The Accusation they did comment that Dominique Strauss-Kahn is working on his own project to tell his story.

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