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The Adam Project (2022)

March 13, 2022 Logo Netflix Logo Tmdb Logo IMDb Logo Rotten Tomatoes Logo Metacritic Logo

In a time when it seems that critics are dead set against giving positive reviews for anything Ryan Reynolds touches, fans remain, not only loyal but, enthusiastically so – especially when it comes to Reynolds’ latest project to hit Netflix, The Adam Project.

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This sci-fi action flick is another collaboration with Free Guy director, Shawn Levy. (The two are set to team up again for Deadpool 3) In this offering, its not just big explosions and quick-paced action sequences, it’s witty banter, a wickedly talented kid and a screen full of our favourite actors, just hanging around and being awesome.

Image Courtesy of TMDb

Reynolds is joined onscreen by Mark Ruffalo, Jennifer Garner, Zoe Saldana, Catherine Keener and, new comer, Walker Scobell. Together they conspire to draw us in with remarkable chemistry, tons of Adam-on-Adam quips and shots, and more than a couple of heartwarming moments interrupted with on-brand Reynolds humour.

The story follows “middle-age” Adam (Reynolds) time travelling back to 2022 to set the space time continuum or something sciencey straight after the future runs amok due to more sciencey things. In his return to the past, he encounters his 12 year old self (Scobell). Though an under-sized kid with a mouth that constantly lands him in trouble, he is smart, fearless and just nerdy enough to trouble shoot alongside his grown counterpart when things go haywire.

Image Courtesy of TMDb

Along the way, both Adams cross paths with their dad (Ruffalo), who had died a year earlier yet plays an important role in their joint mission. As the Adams work to stop the manipulation of time by their dad’s business partner (Keener), they come to terms with the death of their dad and how they each remember him. Garner and Saldana round out the cast as Adam’s mom and wife, respectively.

Image Courtesy of TMDb

The Adam Project is fun, heart-warming and the best of Ryan Reynolds style humour. The cast is awesome and the chemistry of the whole thing works in a way that draws you in from the start. Be sure to make some time to catch The Adam Project, now streaming on Netflix.

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