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People whose uncontrollable addiction to drugs, alcohol or compulsive behavior has brought them to the brink of destruction and has devastated their family and friends are presented with a life-changing opportunity of intervention and rehab. Each addict must confront their darkest demons in order to begin their journey to recovery in the hopes that they can turn their lives around before it’s too late.


Intervention: Season 1

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Intervention: Season 2

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Intervention: Season 3

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Intervention: Season 4

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Chad, 34, has had many privileges, such as being a professional cyclist and training with athletes like Lance Armstrong. However, Chad's deviant behavior and his turn to drugs like crack caused his cycling career and reputation to be questioned. His family are holding an intervention in hoping Chad's "rock bottom" won't end up being his own death

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Emily is an excessive dieter. At 26, she has already had a difficult life battling depression with low self-esteem and negative thoughts. Emily was a date-rape victim in college and used dieting as a means of controlling her emotions. However, she now weighs less than 90 pounds and is on a slippery path that could easily end in death. Emily's family is hoping an intervention will save her.

Follow Up: Ryan & Hubert
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Follow Up: Ryan & Hubert


This follow-up looks at two addicts from Season 3. First was Ryan, the very troubled OxyContin addict we saw in the premiere. Recall that he left treatment early and there weren't very many good updates on his progress. How is Ryan doing now? Hubert is an alcoholic who confronted his feelings during his intervention. What is Hubert doing now in his sobriety?

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Brooke, 26, uses prescription pain killers to control her early onset of rheumatoid arthritis. Brooke has now become addicted to these prescription pills, which often contain opiates, a very addictive category of substances. She denies her dependence on the drug and her family is hoping an intervention can make her realize that she needs help.

Jason & Joy
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Jason & Joy


Jason, 23, is from a religiously strict family. Jason's parents dealt plenty of punishments. However, after his mother reveals a pressing secret, Jason's father was ejected from the church and had to take up several jobs to feed his family. Left with minimal supervision, Jason turned to drugs and alcohol, and his younger sister, Joy, soon followed. Can a double intervention save these siblings?

Ben & Josh
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Ben & Josh


Ben is a 25-year-old potential genius but has a past filled with violence, homelessness, and isolation. Ben dealt with his troubles by turning to a drug called DXM. DXM is found in some cough-suppressants that, when taken at higher doses, produces effects similar to PCP (a hallucinogenic). Ben performs desperate crimes to finance his addiction. Josh is a 22-year-old food addict who weights 550lbs. Josh's father has the same weight problem with diabetes and a history of 6 strokes at 317lbs. Josh's father does not want an early death for his son, and the whole family hopes that both Josh and Rex can support each other through an intervention to get healthy.

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Tressa is 32 and was one of the world's top female shot-putters. However, a routine drug test revealed a life as a IV drug user. Tressa is now using crystal meth daily as her life spirals out of control. Can her family save Tressa?

John T
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John T


John was a former athletic star but an injury led him to drown his disappointment in alcohol and a variety of drugs. John is aggressive and his addiction is fueling distance between everyone he knows. Many family members are participating in hopes that an intervention can save John's life.

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After serving two rounds in Iraq, Brad has returned home but has brought some extra baggage with him: post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). He has begun to use drugs and alcohol to numb and forget the endless nightmares and flashbacks that haunt him. Unfortunately, it is getting worse, and his temper and reckless behavior are becoming life-threatening to himself and others. His family is banding together and holding an intervention.

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Lawrence, 34, is a successful entrepreneur but had a dark past of emotional and physical abuse. He numbs his pain with alcohol, drinking litres of alcohol a day. He has also battled cancer recently. His family gather for an intervention in the hope to change his life.

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Intervention: Season 5

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Intervention: Season 6

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At age 6, Janet was molested. She was also bullied by other kids, making her extremely self-conscious about her looks. At 18, she married a drug dealer who made her rich, but her husband was sent to prison, leaving her alone with two sons. She turned to drugs and alcohol, and had multiple affairs. Her husband discovered one of her affairs and divorced her. Janet remarried and had two more children, but she missed her old luxurious lifestyle and began drinking heavily. Now she frequently passes out, threatens suicide, and puts herself in life-threatening situations.

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After being molested as a child, Nicole developed an unusual eating disorder--she was unable to swallow. By age 16, she weighed just 68 pounds, and doctors inserted a feeding tube into her stomach. The tube was supposed to be temporary, but 16 years later, Nicole still relies on the tube and can't swallow any food or liquids. She also abuses prescription drugs and neglects her two daughters. Her husband plans to divorce her if she continues to neglect their children.

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Brittany was born five years after the brutal rape and murder of her 9-year-old sister, Terry. Brittany struggled with the pressure to live up to her mother's perfect image of Terry. At 12, Brittany was molested, and she began taking drugs and sneaking out at night--anything to get out from under Terry's shadow. Now she shoots up Dilaudid six times a day, begs family members for money and prostitutes herself. Brittany's mother scrambles to give Brittany enough money for her fix. Desperate and on the verge of bankruptcy, Brittany's family prepares for an intervention.

John C
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John C


John has type one diabetes but refuses to be diligent about checking his blood sugar, or taking his insulin. A social misfit and an outcast for many years, John wants to be considered a regular guy, and pretends to be one by eating whatever he wants without regard for his illness. He has been in a near-coma and hospitalized multiple times. His parents want to stop enabling his self-destructive behavior, but won't kick him out of the house because they fear he'll die without their supervision.

Follow Up: Tressa & Josh
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Follow Up: Tressa & Josh


In this follow-up show, we check back in with Tressa and Josh. Tressa's meth addiction destroyed her promising Olympic career. Now eight months sober, she's working hard to stay on the right path and rekindle some of that lost potential. Going home for her mother's wedding, she encounters both the joy and the pain of her old lifestyle. Josh once weighed more than 500 pounds. Now 200 pounds lighter, Josh is planning a surprise visit to his family to bring them together for the first time since their intervention.

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Once a successful hairstylist, Casie now works in a small-town salon to fuel her $500-a-week meth habit. Casie's childhood was marred by her mother's drug addiction. Suffering from low self-esteem, Casie became bulimic and an addict. She lost her career, her life's savings, and her husband. Casie's mother now tries to make up for Casie's difficult childhood by enabling her, even at the cost of her own marriage. Casie's boyfriend, John, also an addict, is desperately trying to keep her alive. Casie's drug use is taking everyone down with her.

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From an early age, Anthony's father made him feel worthless. His parents divorced, and his mother remarried, but she was still unhappy and turned to alcohol and drugs. It was little wonder, then, that Anthony began drinking at age 13. Another blow came when Anthony's younger brother died of leukemia. Anthony spiraled downward, and now he drinks half a gallon of vodka a day and takes whatever drugs he can find.

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Lana grew up in a family of 11 children, and her older sister introduced her to drinking at the age of seven. Despite this precarious start, Lana excelled in sports and was active in the church. But at 18, Lana began to enter into dangerous relationships with men and started abusing drugs and alcohol. She was in two near-fatal car accidents. And now, too make things even worse, she is in a relationship plagued by physical violence.

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When Angelina was eight, her family grew apart over an argument about money. Her mother turned to prescription drugs and cocaine to deal with the stress. After graduating from high school, Angelina became her younger brother's legal guardian, but she was overwhelmed by the job of taking care of her brother and addict mother. Angelina became addicted to OxyContin and spent her trust fund of $350,000 on the drug. Then Angelina turned to cheaper drugs and heroin to support her habit.

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Born into a family with traditional Catholic values, Chris struggled with his sexuality until coming out at 18. Now, at 34, Chris feels that being gay has cheated him out of the things he wants most--marriage, children, and inclusion in his family. He drinks first thing in the morning to ward off tremors, he's abusive to his partner, and he can't keep a job. His father believes Chris should be able to stop drinking by sheer force of will, but his mother believes that genetics is to blame for his alcoholism. Can the family overcome its divisions and work together for Chris?

Intervention In-Depth: Compulsive Gambling
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Intervention In-Depth: Compulsive Gambling


The face of gambling addiction has changed, dramatically. More women are falling prey to this insidious compulsion. They often sit for hours in front of slot-machines, poker tables, or even online gaming sites--leaving children unattended and piling up staggering debts. This is no longer a game. Many of these women have gone to great lengths to hide their gambling from families, only to hit rock bottom and lose everything. Some even serve time in jail. We will go inside this compulsion, examining the shame and fear that keeps it hidden, and the surprising casualties caught up in the gamble.

Nik and Tiffany
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Nik and Tiffany


Beloved by his five sisters and his teenage son, Nik 35, was the glue that holds his large family together. He was a proud college graduate who became the director of a multi-million-dollar casino chain at a young age. But now Nik is a homeless drug addict. Four years ago, after a debilitating back injury, he became addicted to OxyContin. His addiction worsened and he turned to heroin. Now Nik has lost his job, his home, and custody of his son. A tall, beautiful brunette, Tiffany maintained a perfect GPA in high school and played Varsity basketball. But despite her achievements, Tiffany's childhood was plagued by her parents' violent marriage and their drug and alcohol abuse. She married at 19 to escape the pain of her youth, but her controlling husband forced her to move back in with her mother. Battling feelings of worthlessness, Tiffany self-medicated with alcohol. Now, she has been hospitalized numerous times for alcohol-related injuries and has attempted suicide.

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Married with children and with a well established home, Sandy is struggling with her own addiction. She abuses prescription pain medication and mixes it with alcohol. Her family constantly keeps watch to monitor her diabetes and addictions. She's been in the hospital several times for complications to her illness. Can her family help her realize she has so much to live for?

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Sharon, 51, has several difficulties that have her family worried. She compulsively shops to take her mind off things. She has had several plastic surgery procedures due to feeling her appearance is inadequate. And she physically abuses her body because of a negative view of herself. Sharon is also acting impulsively, feeling urges to act out and harm people and things. Sharon's family are hoping for a proper diagnosis and treatment before she harms herself or anyone else.

Intervention: Season 7

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Intervention: Season 8

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Intervention: Season 9

Donna & Josh
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Donna & Josh


Every day, Donna, 47, and her son, Josh, 20, cause a storm of drinking, fighting, and chaos in the overcrowded home they share with Donna's sister, mother, and a stable-full of dogs and cats. Raised by alcoholic parents, Donna was exposed to violence and abuse at an early age, and later drank so heavily that she lost custody of her two children. Josh, now an adult, has moved back in with Donna, and they have become drinking buddies. Both mother and son need help desperately to save themselves and to stop the cycle of alcoholism from being passed down to another generation of their family.

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Adam was once one of the top skiers in the United States. As a Marine, he served in 15 countries, including Iraq and Afghanistan on terrorist-related missions. But when he came back home from overseas, he was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder and started drinking. His alcohol abuse is ruining his body.

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A charismatic reverend at a wedding chapel, Miriam, 38, is adored by her clients, but suffers inner torment. Sexually abused as a child by someone she trusted, Miriam turned to drugs at a young age, and now she's addicted to P.C.P. Her family has practically given up on her, and she risks losing her daughter's love. Can Miriam's desperate family convince her to get on the plane to treatment?

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Andrew was smart, likable and athletic, but now he's just skinny and unregulated. Andrew is addicted to OxyContin, a prescription pain medication and will do anything to get a new supply of drugs. His stealing and constant begging, along with a father that gives in, leaves Andrew's other two brothers going without food sometimes. Andrew's father is in need of help in stopping Andrew before it's too late. Originally started in Season 8. Production code #117 (season 8, episode 17) but the follow-ups required it to air in season 9.

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Amber was abused as a child. She began binge eating and became bulimic because she wanted to be popular and beautiful like her older sister. However, Amber got married and had a baby. Everything looks great from the outside, but the she's actually depressed. She drinks heavily and engages in purging. Her family hopes to get her treatment so she can care for her family again.

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Once a Hollywood success story, Lorna is now a crack addict. She danced on Soul Train and for the "Ike and Tina Turner Revue" in Las Vegas, then landed a big job at A&M records. But the music industry party scene led to drug addiction, and she even abandoned her three children. Lorna needs to get clean and make amends with her kids before it's too late.

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Though he grew up in a close-knit family, Joe has felt lonely and isolated all his life. As a child, he was excluded by his peers and didn't get the affection and acceptance he needed from his father. At age eight, Joe learned "the choking game," in which a person uses his hands to cut off the oxygen supply to his brain to get high. Joe loved the sensation, and secretly choked himself regularly throughout childhood as a way of dealing with his pain. In high school, Joe discovered drugs and alcohol; he began using heroin at 18 and has been addicted for the past six years. Now, living in a motel, he often steals to support his addiction, and he has been arrested and jailed several times for drug possession and theft. He has gone through treatment programs before but has always relapsed soon afterward.

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John is a flight attendant who loves his job, but his lifestyle is fueling his alcoholism. When he was a boy, John's parents focused their attention on his "profoundly retarded" brother. His mother blamed herself for the disability and turned her anger towards John. Now John's alcoholism leaves him prone to blackouts and frequent serious injuries, but he denies that anything is wrong. Growing up with an abusive mother, Dionicio turned to crime and drugs as a teen. He became a father, but couldn't handle the pressure of providing for a family. Now he spends his time panhandling and shooting heroin.

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When Jason's mother and stepfather had twins, Jason felt abandoned. He dropped out of school and turned to drugs. Now he lives with his grandmother in a retirement community and takes up to 30 mg of Xanax and shoots heroin up to five times a day. After an overdose, Jason had multiple hospitalizations and four grand mal seizures. Worn out from the drama, his family is frustrated with their inability to get Jason to stop using drugs and into treatment. A chef for 15 years, Ryan dreams of running a kitchen in a four-star restaurant. But alcoholism stands in his way. Ryan always felt like the black sheep of the family compared to his successful, police officer brother. His mother supplies him with alcohol so that he doesn't go into withdrawal. But now the family feels that "it's not if we lose him, but when."

Intervention: Season 10

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Intervention: Season 11

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Brittany once dreamed of becoming a police officer to protect people from the traumas that she faced as a child. But at 22, her goal is slipping away. She's a heroin addict who sells her body to get her next high. Can Brittany's family convince her that it's not too late to get help?

Sarah and Mikeal
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Sarah and Mikeal


Like Romeo and Juliet on heroin, Mikeal and Sarah are a poor boy and a rich girl who have found sanctuary in each other's pain. Sarah's family feels that Mikeal has corrupted their daughter, taking Sarah from a casual pill abuser to a full-blown heroin addict. But now both families now agree that an intervention is their only hope. Will Sarah and Mikeal get help, or help each other tumble deeper into addiction?

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Eddie, an All-American baseball player in college with offers to play in the majors, was pursuing two master's degrees but school pressure and his father's overbearing expectations pushed Eddie to drink and gamble heavily. His addictions have left him divorced, homeless, and in legal trouble due to five DUI charges. Can an intervention save this once perfect son and hometown hero from self-destruction?

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A mother of three, Latisha will go to any lengths to feed her crack addiction, including prostitution. Having been abandoned by her own parents because of their addictions, she's happy with her life and just wants her family to get off her back, but the needs of her young daughter Tuesday are going unmet. There's only one way to save Latisha from her herself--an intervention.

Larry and Megan
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Larry and Megan


Growing up with parents who demanded hard work, Larry rebelled with a life of crime. Today, he drinks a fifth of brandy a day even though he's a spiritual man whose religion prohibits alcohol. Megan is struggling with her own demons. Her mother divorced and remarried, but Megan never felt included in her new family. She became an addict and even turned to prostitution to pay for her drugs. Can an intervention save Larry from being ostracized by his spiritual community, and can Megan still realize the dreams she once had of becoming a lawyer or professor?

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Living in a small Hawaiian village, Penny-Lee has an infectious laugh and loves to have fun. But despite having a good family life and four children to be proud of, she's an out-of-control alcoholic who spends most of her time alone, screaming and crying out to no one as she downs beer after beer. An intervention is her family's last hope for their beloved family matriarch.

Luke and Shantel
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Luke and Shantel


Luke, 23, dreams of a career in photojournalism, but his daily cocktail of drugs has derailed his college plans and left both him and his mother struggling to survive on the streets of San Francisco. Shantel uses OxyContin to cope with learning and mood disorders and to find friends in the drug culture. An overprotective mother provides her with money, and now Shantel, who faces potential jail time for a robbery, spends her days feeding her addiction in a motel. Without interventions, Luke and Shantel will continue to see their lives spiral downwards.

Tiffany D.
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Tiffany D.


Tiffany, 24, a former athlete and cheerleader who dreamed of a career in the medical field, has no intention of giving up her IV crystal meth addiction, despite the fact that her four-year-old son is being cared for by her family. Can an intervention help Tiffany to regain her son and her life?

Brittney and Ricardo
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Brittney and Ricardo


Brittney saw her food addiction transformed into a raging alcohol addiction after gastric bypass surgery. Now she stands to lose her family as they grow weary of her alcohol-fueled antics. Ricardo, is a dedicated dad of three on weekends, but suffers from a daily addiction to meth which threatens to destroy his health, professional success, and relationship with his children. Brittney's and Ricardo's families have been pushed to the brink, and now realize that only an intervention can save their loved ones.

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Michelle, 30, looks like an aging mother of two who takes a daily concoction of methadone, Xanax, and blood pressure pills to keep her identity as an edgy party girl alive, while her family begs her to wake up to the harm that her addiction has caused them. Now the family has had enough, and they're finally ready to confront Michelle at an intervention.

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A college graduate who now works as a genealogist, Jeff can't give up his 30-cans-of-beer-per-day habit even though his health is failing, he recently lost his wife, and his children are struggling to cope with the loss of their mother. Now Jeff faces a choice, his life or his beer. Can an intervention bring him to his senses?

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Jeanna conquered generations of addiction until the murder of her four-year-old son sent her spiraling into a $100-a-day meth addiction. An intervention is the only way to help Jeanna start to heal her troubled soul.

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Growing up, Christina had to shuttle back and forth between her drug-addicted mother and neglectful father. Having never received the support she desperately craved, Christina turned to drugs at an early age. Now prescription painkillers and meth have taken over her life, and she's repeated her mother's mistake by losing custody of her son. Only an intervention can free Christina from the devastating cycle of addiction that grips her.

Intervention: Season 12

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Intervention: Season 13

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Former "Super Mom" to her three children, Diana has exchanged her apron for an alcohol and meth addiction and is unraveling her marriage, family and sense of self-respect.

Britney & Terry K.
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Britney & Terry K.


A family begging her to get help and two overdoses in the last two weeks don t phase 21-year-old Britney as she fearlessly shoots up suboxone and bath salts up to 30 times a day. Terry, 32, is a chef who dreamed of opening and managing his own restaurant, but his career, marriage and parental rights to his nine-year-old daughter have hit a dead end as a result of his $500 a day cocaine and fentanyl addiction.

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Thirty-one year-old Amanda has exchanged her dreams of teaching for an alcohol and crack addiction, while her family erupts in anger over her dad's chronic enabling.

Susie & Miriam
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Susie & Miriam


Attractive, charismatic 41year-old twins, Susie and Miriam, battle crack and alcohol addictions and each other as their career success and families slowly slip away.

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Ryan, 25, is a sweet, sensitive man whose alcohol addiction is spiraling out of control as he and his fiance are expecting their first child in a matter of months.

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Loud and spunky 50 year-old Cher's alcohol addiction has led to liver damage and is driving a wedge between herself and her family.

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Al, a big guy with a big personality, is sacrificing his relationships with his wife and children to chase his out-of-control meth and painkiller addiction.

Megan H.
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Megan H.


Megan is a 24-year-old addict who turned to drugs to kill the excruciating pain she experienced as a young teen after her innocence was stolen by her mother's boyfriend. Today, Megan's life is at a critical point and she is facing a long stint in prison with her next mistake.

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Kelly, a 27-year-old mother of three, mixes pills and meth to forget the man who destroyed her childhood.

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Episode 14

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Episode 15

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Episode 16

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Sarah P.
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Sarah P.


When her rock and best friend, her grandmother Elena, went away to treatment, Sarah, 21, spiraled out of control. Today, in denial of her own addiction, Sarah is on the same path of addiction her grandmother was on just six months ago. This cycle of addiction must stop in this family now, or unfortunately, Elena will pass on a legacy of addiction instead of recovery.

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Tiffany is a 19-year-old, doe-eyed, innocent looking young woman who treks to the seediest parts of Baltimore to score heroin while her family tries to pray the "devil" out of her.

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Episode 19

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Episode 20

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Episode 21

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Intervention: Season 14

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Episode 14

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Episode 16

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Episode 17

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Episode 18

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Intervention: Season 15

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Episode 13

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Episode 14

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Episode 16

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Episode 17

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Episode 19

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Episode 20

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Episode 21

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Episode 22

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Intervention: Season 16

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Episode 2

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Episode 3

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Episode 18

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Episode 19

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Episode 20

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Intervention: Season 17

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A young mother's eating disorder has been a life-long affliction, now compounded by drug and sex addiction–but to get rid of all of her demons she'll have to eliminate more than just her food.

Katie S.
Not Available

Katie S.


Katie was a beautiful and successful mortgage broker and drug & alcohol counselor whose pride and joy were her two kids. But a devastating breakup resulted in losing custody, and sent Katie into a downward spiral of heroin and meth addiction. Her face is now ravaged from use, and her veins are so damaged that she resorts to injecting heroin anally, aka "booty bumping.” Katie supports her habit by webcam stripping and prostitution, and her family fears that if she doesn't get help, the next step will be an OD.

Not Available



Wealthy entrepreneur loses everything to crack, reducing her life to a never ending cycle of prostitution and begging

Shiann G.
Not Available

Shiann G.


Tiffany had the talent to be a successful graphic designer, but severe complications from the birth of her first child led to an addiction to prescribed pain pills. Then post-partum depression after her second and third pregnancies, resulted in an opiate addiction. After her husband took their three kids and filed for divorce, Tiffany became a full time heroin addict. Today, she has a new husband and baby, but her addiction is threatening to end the marriage, and if she doesn't get help–her life. Sylvia Parsons is Tiffany's Interventionist.

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Episode 7
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Episode 7


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Episode 8
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Episode 8


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Jasmine was extremely close to her grandparents, Reg and Pauline, so when Pauline suddenly passed away, Jasmine couldn't cope and turned to opioids to erase the pain. Amazingly, Jasmine got control of her addiction and her life gained some new additions: a new career, a new boyfriend and a new baby. But when her relationship became abusive, Jasmine descended back into drugs. After losing custody of her three-year-old son, her use escalated to smoking fentanyl, a habit that costs her $1200 a day. As her family readies themselves for the intervention, they get devastating news: Reg has cancer.

Intervention: Season 18

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Episode 3

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Episode 10

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Episode 11

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Episode 12

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Episode 13

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Episode 14

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Episode 19

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Episode 20

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Episode 21

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Episode 22

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Episode 23

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Episode 24

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Episode 25

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Episode 26

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Episode 27

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Intervention: Season 19

The Heroin Triangle: Chapter 1 / Chapter 2
Not Available

The Heroin Triangle: Chapter 1 / Chapter 2


In a collection of affluent suburban communities north of Atlanta called “The Heroin Triangle” the rise of the nation’s opioid crisis, from prescription pills to full-blown heroin epidemic, is documented through city officials, community leaders, and addicts themselves. Tiffany and Billy, a volatile couple living out of their car, receive a sizable tax return that sets them up to score a large of amount of heroin. Their addiction threatens to destroy the family they’re building. As a homeless and gay man, Tracey faces unique challenges as he spends his days hopping busses and hiding out in bathrooms stalls shooting heroin. Zac’s a free-spirit but his musical gifts are undermined by his crippling heroin addiction. Interventionist Heather Hayes enlists the help of her colleague Donna Chavous to further investigate the city’s handling of the epidemic.

The Heroin Triangle: Chapter 3
Not Available

The Heroin Triangle: Chapter 3


The heroin crisis rages on in the idyllic suburbs north of Atlanta, nicknamed "The Heroin Triangle." Interventionist Heather Hayes enlists the help of her colleague Donna Chavous to further investigate the city's handling of the epidemic. Zac's family history of violence and drug abuse threatens to undermine his intervention. And flush with the money from his tax return, Billy and Tiffany purchase heroin and check into a hotel. It's a welcome respite from living in Tiffany's car, until Tiffany disappears.

The Heroin Triangle: Chapter #4
Not Available

The Heroin Triangle: Chapter #4


23-year-old heroin addict Toni finds herself in danger when her pimp sends her out on a call that goes wrong. The Heroin Triangle expands its reach, putting first responders at risk, and increasing police presence in the area. Police Sergeant Josh Liedke reaches out to a young homeless addict and tries to get her into a detox center. 55-year-old Allen finds himself squatting in an abandoned house, having squandered millions from his trust fund to feed his heroin addiction.

The Heroin Triangle: Chapter 5
Not Available

The Heroin Triangle: Chapter 5


Interventionist Michael Gonzales attempts to get Toni's mother, father, and sister on the same page to intervene on Toni, but Carla's belligerent behavior threatens to derail the process before it even begins. We meet Kiersten and David, a young, heroin-addicted couple living in a co-dependent relationship with David's mother, Linda. Kiersten prepares for a mandatory meeting with her probation officer by hiding synthetic urine in her boot, in case of a drug screening.

The Heroin Triangle: Chapter 6
Not Available

The Heroin Triangle: Chapter 6


Ken Seeley and Allen's family try to convince him that treatment is the best option, but police are called to the scene when the situation escalates. 24-year old Taylor dances at a local strip club to finance her heroin habit. David and Kiersten's relationship comes to a dramatic head when David's mother loses her patience with Kiersten. 31-year old Angela quits heroin cold turkey, and is now "white knuckling" it through her day while trying to win back custody of her two children. Toni disappears and the search is on to find her before it's too late.

The Heroin Triangle: Chapter 6
Not Available

The Heroin Triangle: Chapter 6


Ken Seeley and Allen’s family try to convince him that treatment is the best option, but police are called to the scene when the situation escalates. 24-year old Taylor dances at a local strip club to finance her heroin habit. David and Kiersten’s relationship comes to a dramatic head when David’s mother loses her patience with Kiersten. 31-year old Angela quits heroin cold turkey, and is now “white knuckling” it through her day while trying to win back custody of her two children. Toni disappears and the search is on to find her before it’s too late.

The Heroin Triangle: Chapter 7
Not Available

The Heroin Triangle: Chapter 7


Taylor's mother makes a disturbing discovery; Angela's frustration with her ex-husband challenges her ability to stay clean; Kiersten attempts to reconcile with her parents, but her heroin use stands in the way.

The Heroin Triangle: Chapter 8
Not Available

The Heroin Triangle: Chapter 8


Angela encounters a deadly relapse trigger; Taylor's mother has trouble keeping her emotions in check after her daughter's dangerous lifestyle escalates; Donna Chavous employs tough tactics in her double intervention of Kiersten and David.

The Heroin Triangle: Chapter 9
Not Available

The Heroin Triangle: Chapter 9


David and Kiersten's intervention hits a roadblock when David changes his mind about getting help; Taylor endures a painful trip to the dentist, who deals with several infected teeth; reviewing the progress of Toni, Allen and Angela.

Intervention: Season 20

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Episode 1

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Episode 2

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Episode 3

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Episode 4

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Episode 5

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Episode 6

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Intervention: Season 21

Unlockable in USA

Episode 1

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Episode 2

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Episode 3

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Episode 4

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Episode 5

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Episode 6

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Episode 7

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Episode 8

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Intervention: Season 22

Unlockable in USA

Episode 1

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Episode 7

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Episode 8

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Episode 9

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Episode 10

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Episode 11

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Episode 12

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Episode 13

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Episode 14

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Episode 15

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Episode 16

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Episode 17

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Episode 18

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Episode 19

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Episode 20

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Intervention: Season 23

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Episode 1

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Episode 2

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Episode 3

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Episode 4

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Episode 5

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Episode 6

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Episode 7

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Episode 8

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Intervention: Season 24

Not Available



Raised in Northern California, Kenny excelled in football and had big dreams of playing in the NFL, but a misstep in high school triggered a series of events that left him homeless and addicted to dangerous amounts of fentanyl.

Fentanyl Family Part 1
Not Available

Fentanyl Family Part 1


When Christine's brother died in a tragic accident, she turned to methamphetamine and her seemingly perfect family spiraled out of control; interventionists Ken Seeley and Sylvia Parsons team up on the biggest case of their careers.

Fentanyl Family Part 2
Not Available

Fentanyl Family Part 2


Despite multiple overdoses and medical emergencies, Christine and her three adult children continue to use dangerous amounts of fentanyl together in their single studio apartment in Garden Grove, Calif.

Not Available



No description available.

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No description available.

Amber Rose
Not Available

Amber Rose


No description available.

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