The Perfect Girl

Lo sentimos, The Perfect Girl no está disponible en Netflix Argentina . Verificamos Netflix cientos de veces al día, por lo que puede volver a consultar periódicamente para ver cuándo aparece para la transmisión.

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A young boy (Jay) and a girl (Vedika) happen to meet in the tourist town of Goa. They spend some time together and realise that they are perfect for each other. However life has other plans. Many years later, in Mumbai, they cross each other. But the memory of their time together is so distant, it takes a while for Jay to recollect. By the time he remembers, she is lost in the crowd. What happens when two strangers meet for some time and realise they are perfect for each other? What if life has other plans? Would you wait for your destined perfect other, or would you move on?


Tara-Alisha Berry
Tara-Alisha Berry
Shalaka Apte
Shalaka Apte
Mudasir Bhat
Mudasir Bhat

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