Houkago Teibou Nisshi

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Hina Tsurugi es una estudiante de primer año en una escuela preparatoria costera y que se considera a sí misma como inferior a los demás. Caminando a lo largo del terraplén, se encuentra con una senpai llamada Kuroiwa, quien la invita a unirse al club “Teibou” y comenzar a pescar. Rodeada de excéntricos miembros, ¿cómo será la nueva vida de escuela preparatoria de Hina?


Kanon Takao
Kanon Takao
Natsumi Kawaida
Natsumi Kawaida
Yû Sasahara
Yû Sasahara
Satomi Akesaka
Satomi Akesaka
G.K. Bowes
G.K. Bowes
Megan Taylor Harvey
Megan Taylor Harvey
Lauren Landa
Lauren Landa
Jessica D. Stone
Jessica D. Stone
Chiwa Saitô
Chiwa Saitô


Houkago Teibou Nisshi: Temporada 1

Breakwater Club
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Breakwater Club


Hina Tsurugi is starting high school in the countryside. She’s excited to join the Handicrafts Club, but she runs into a girl named Yuki by the ocean and before she knew it, she somehow joined something called the Breakwater Club.

Reels and Casting
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Reels and Casting


Hina and Natsumi head to the Breakwater Club where Yuki has them participate in a club "tradition." Later on, Hina tries to learn the basics of fishing.

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The girls in the Breakwater Club head over the Kamegahama to try to fish for some flatheads.

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The girls head to a fishing shop to help Hina find a fishing jacket. Later on, they try to catch some squid by using a fishing jig called "Egi."

Clamming and an Advisor
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Clamming and an Advisor


The girls go clamming and Hina and Natsumi meet the Breakwater Club’s advisor for the first time.

Li'l Horsies
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Li'l Horsies


Ms. Kotani stops by again and asks the girls to fish for some li’l horsies so they can have some for dinner. Later on, Hina’s mom finds some old fishing gear and Hina attempts to go fishing all alone.

Light Rock Fishing
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Light Rock Fishing


Hina attempts light rock fishing for the first time with the other girls. Later on, Hina goes to Natsumi’s house to study for midterms.

Freshwater Prawns
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Freshwater Prawns


Hina and the rest of the Breakwater Club go to the river to fish for some freshwater prawns.

Preparations and Herons
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Preparations and Herons


The girls in the Breakwater Club learn how to float properly just in case they ever fall into the ocean. Later on, Hina goes to battle with a heron, but then notices it has a fishing line tangled around its leg.

No-reel Fishing
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No-reel Fishing


Hina asks for something new and exciting, so they go fishing for some horsies again, but this time, use bobbers and fishing poles with no reels.

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Hina suddenly becomes assertive and tells the Breakwater Club that she wants to fish for whiting, so they go to Takohigeya to get the proper supplies. But to Hina’s dismay, fishing for whiting usually requires real worms.

From Now On...
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From Now On...


Hina is determined to catch some whiting after doing some research online on how to catch them. Later on, Hina teaches Natsumi how to make some felt plushies.

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