Maģiskais kimono

Lo sentimos, Maģiskais kimono no está disponible en Netflix Argentina . Verificamos Netflix cientos de veces al día, por lo que puede volver a consultar periódicamente para ver cuándo aparece para la transmisión.

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“Magic Kimono” tells the story of middle-aged Japanese woman Keiko, who has been living in a shell for decades due to a family tragedy in Kobe. The modest act of eating and the sensations it gives us provided Keiko a lifeline to survive. Unwillingly, she joins a group of Japanese women traveling to Northern Europe to participate in a kimono show in the fairytale-like art nouveau world of Riga. During her performance, Keiko suddenly comes face to face with her husband, who disappeared twenty years ago and now wants to read-dress their relationship and who Keiko has become.


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Kaori Momoi
Issei Ogata
Issei Ogata
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Ieva Florence
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