
Lo sentimos, 間宮兄弟 no está disponible en Netflix Argentina . Verificamos Netflix cientos de veces al día, por lo que puede volver a consultar periódicamente para ver cuándo aparece para la transmisión.

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The main characters are the Mamiya brothers who are living together although they are over 30-years-old. Unconcerned with appearance and reputations, they enjoy their life in their own way. The only concern is the lack of girlfriends. One day, however, a change occurs to their mundane lives. The elder brother, Akinobu (Kuranosuke Sasaki), falls in love with a girl at a video shop. The younger brother, Tetsunobu (Muga Tsukaji), scrambles around to aid his brother achieve love and arranges various dates. The elder brother strives to return the effort, but gets the cold shoulder. The two brothers return to their original lives, continuing with their ordinary, but happy days.


Keiko Kitagawa
Keiko Kitagawa
Kuranosuke Sasaki
Kuranosuke Sasaki
Muga Tsukaji
Muga Tsukaji
Miyuki Nakajima
Miyuki Nakajima
Takako Tokiwa
Takako Tokiwa
Erika Sawajiri
Erika Sawajiri

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