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Comment regarder Nightflyers sur NetflixAlors que le sort de l'humanité est en jeu, un groupe de scientifiques et un puissant télépathe s'aventurent dans l'espace à bord d'un vaisseau aux mille secrets.
A team of scientists join the crew of the Nightflyer on a journey to make contact with alien life.
D'Branin puts his team first as panic spreads. Eris resorts to bold measures to restore balance.
D'Branin investigates the source of the malfunctions. Rowan prepares Thale for first contact.
The white rabbit probe puzzles the science team. D'Branin learns a secret from Agatha's past.
Lommie's talents come in handy for D'Branin. Rowan and Tessia develop a theory about alien life.
D'Branin and his team explore a more permanent solution to their problem.
D'Branin has a breakthrough. Rowan prepares for big changes. Lommie seeks comfort in her past.
A new threat challenges ship protocol. Mel notices changes in the crew. Lommie returns to Greywing.
D'Branin pushes ahead with his plan. Rowan processes his grief. Agatha finds a way to help.
New orders leave the Nightflyer and its passengers hanging in the balance.
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