America Unplugged

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Former Navy Seal Cade Courtley travels cross-country to meet the folks that are unplugging from society. The terrain, wildlife, and food sources are as varied as the people who choose this lifestyle. But they are all motivated by the same thing; they want to live free, as they pursue their own version of the American Dream.


James Davison
James Davison


America Unplugged: Temporada 1

Scott Hunt
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Scott Hunt


Scott and Lori Hunt are prepared of total electronic shut down that would destroy society as we know it.

Robert Allen
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Robert Allen


After returning home from the second Iraq war in 2005, Robert Allen created his vision of bringing a military school to the masses – Sigma 3. Based on 400 acres in northern Arkansas, Sigma 3 teaches ordinary citizens how to truly survive with nothing – from making fire, to building a shelter to hunting, fishing and self-defense/security detail.

Logan Parker
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Logan Parker


Logan Parker used hay bales to insulate his house and built a functional shower that's powered by solar panels.

Ryan Lipinski & Addie Leeman
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Ryan Lipinski & Addie Leeman


No hay descripción disponible.

Mark Patrick
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Mark Patrick


No hay descripción disponible.

Arvo Thompson
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Arvo Thompson


For 15 years, Arvo Thomson has run The Solar Ark, which is a complex of apartments, greenhouses, gardens and workspaces all made out of recycled, salvaged and natural materials.

Josh & Rachel Jackling
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Josh & Rachel Jackling


Josh and Rachel Jackling of Perris, California own and operate Protective Bunkers Survival Center. Their bunkers are a “home away from home” with all the comforts anyone would need during an apocalyptic event.

Ted Baker
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Ted Baker


Ted Baker of Chavies, Kentucky shares how he lives a full life on 300 acres with energy provided from his own natural gas surface mine.

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