Oushitsu Kyoushi Haine

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Heine Wittgenstein is a pint-sized man given a monumental task. He's recently hired by the King of Grannzreich to whip four of his five sons into royalty material as their tutor. At first glance, the princes have all the allure and refinement Heine would expect but underneath their manicured exteriors are four potentially terrible tyrants.


Yuto Adachi
Yuto Adachi
Amber Lee Connors
Amber Lee Connors
Alejandro Saab
Alejandro Saab
Daman Mills
Daman Mills
Micah Solusod
Micah Solusod
Christopher Wehkamp
Christopher Wehkamp
Daisuke Hirose
Daisuke Hirose
Shouta Aoi
Shouta Aoi
Stephen Sanders
Stephen Sanders
Keisuke Ueda
Keisuke Ueda


Oushitsu Kyoushi Haine: Temporada 1

The Royal Tutor Arrives
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The Royal Tutor Arrives


Grants Reich Kingdom where the glory is extremely rich. There is an exclusive tutor who educates everything so that the heir to the throne becomes a person suitable for the king. The position given only to the best teachers in the country, that is - the royal teacher. The royal residence · The new royal teacher who came to the Weissburg palace · Heine takes charge of the four beautiful prince. The words from their mouth - "I do not admit you as a royal teacher." In contrast to the appearance, against the prince who aligned with the hindrance, what is Heinet's educational guidance -! Is it?

The Prince Interviews
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The Prince Interviews


Heine, a royal teacher who decided to educate the four prince to be a fine king candidate. Even while burning Prince Everest Prince Leonhardt, they face seriously and end their interview and head for other prince meetings. Prince High Press Intelli · Bruno, Prince Chala · Richt, Prince Girolii · Kai. Everyone is as unique as Leonhart and definitely unique and prime interview. The direction of the interview between Heine and the prince is -! Is it?

You Don't Need to Accept Me
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You Don't Need to Accept Me


At last finishing all the meetings of the four people, finally the first lesson of Heine was about to begin. Will the prince reappear at the promised time? Is it? And the result of the performance test done at the interview -! Is it? Meanwhile, Leonhardt who did not get the result of the test ran away. Listen to the circumstances that Leonhart disliked teachers from other prince, the royal teacher · Heine rises!

The Princes Go to Town
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The Princes Go to Town


After the first day of assignment to the royal palace, days of lesson as Heine's royal teacher began. Today 's class of Heine is a sunrise visit to Omikida winker to the capital of the Prince! The prince who is not accustomed to going out to the city goes out from the royal palace but even if walking around the city, it makes a big fuss, big shopping to food. Meanwhile, the prince apparently seems to be hiding under Heine and planning something -?

Assailed by the Greatest of Trials
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Assailed by the Greatest of Trials


Heine, a royal teacher accepted by supernatural prince. One day, King Victor who had been out there for a long time returned to the royal palace. Heine, heading for audiences with the prince. Is there a surprising figure that can not be imaged from the alias of King God of God? The prince each pointed out problems from Viktor, but among them Leonhart's problem was fatal -! The greatest trial that put the right to succeed to the throne began now! What is Heinet's educational guidance against Leonhart that confronts you?

At Cafe Mitter Meyer
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At Cafe Mitter Meyer


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The Whereabouts of a Dream
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The Whereabouts of a Dream


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A Timid Heart
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A Timid Heart


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The Price of the Past
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The Price of the Past


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The Professor I Don't Know
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The Professor I Don't Know


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Episode 11
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Episode 11


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Episode 12
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Episode 12


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