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Comment regarder Chewing Gum sur NetflixÉlevée dans une famille très religieuse de l'Est londonien, Tracey se sent enfin prête à voler de ses propres ailes. Et à se risquer à avoir des rapports sexuels.
Tracey plans to go all the way with her reluctant and devout fiancé Ronald, until she bumps into charming estate poet Connor
Tracey's first sexual encounter leaves her panicked about pregnancy. She also needs to bin Ronald as she is determined to make Connor her new boyfriend.
Tracey takes the chance to improve her future and heads off to a recruitment day, while her devil-fearing sister Cynthia covers her shift in the shop
Connor's having trouble in the bedroom. Tracey decides a threesome is the next step. Cynthia's internet searches take her to some eye-opening places.
Tracey's cousin Boy Tracy pays a visit and surprises in more ways than one. Connor's foray into the world of performance poetry doesn't go well.
Connor wants Tracey to move in with him, but she's busy trying to stop her sister from marrying her gay ex-fiancé Ronald
Tracey returns to the Pensbourne Estate but she's rejected by both Candice and Joy, and things aren't as easy as she would like.
Tracey's mum sets her some challenging tests before she can move back into the family home, meantime Tracey is busy replacing Connor and Candice.
Tracey's confidence is wobbly. She wants some male company - someone who thinks she's attractive - and cousin Boy Tracy has a plan.
Tracey finds a four legged friend, while Mandy makes Esther an online dating profile that sees her assume a new identity.
Tracey becomes infatuated with Aaron's dad on a trip to the country. At home, Cynthia starts discovering herself and others...
Tracey finds out Cynthia has lost her virginity and makes a big decision while pursuing Remi, a hot guy from her book club.
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