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Diogo's 20th high school class reunion is coming up, and although he's married, sees it as an opportunity to hook up with his high school crush who will also be at the reunion. He and his wife have a young son, and everything is lined up so he can go to the reunion alone, hook up with the woman, and go home without his wife suspecting anything. Unfortunately for him, his wife's mother breaks her arm the night of the reunion and can't watch their son. Diogo scrambles to find a babysitter, ultimately settling on a nursery in a strange building. He goes to the party, meets up with the crush, but then has to leave. He and his three friends then go back to the nursery and pick up his son, who is wearing his favorite dog mask. While Diogo and his friends are on their way back to the reunion (he still hasn't hooked up with his former crush) he removes the dog mask and realizes the boy isn't his.


Nicole Bahls
Nicole Bahls
Rafinha Bastos
Rafinha Bastos
Lukas Brombini
Lukas Brombini
Dani Calabresa
Dani Calabresa

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