Désolé, The Gulf n'est pas disponible sur Netflix Canada, mais vous pouvez le déverrouiller dès maintenant au Canada et commencer à regarder ! En quelques étapes simples, vous pouvez changer votre région Netflix en un pays comme Fidji et commencer à regarder Netflix Fidji, qui inclut The Gulf.
Comment regarder The Gulf sur NetflixUn détective qui se remet d'une amnésie causée par un accident de voiture choquant commence à soupçonner que tout n'est pas comme il semble, suite à la réapparition d'un jeune garçon.
A cold case is blown wide open and Detective Jess Savage is discharged from hospital, intent on solving the mystery of a missing boy.
Who and where is Lucy? Jess is running out of time to piece the puzzle together. Meanwhile, Ruby is hiding something.
Max Lee wants answers about his missing daughter and Jess must take the case. Ruby has some news and something gruesome is discovered in the mangroves.
Ruby goes missing, and it’s a race against time for Jess and her team to locate a missing body and find their murder suspect.
The death of Hoani Casey sparks ferocious tension on the island. An informant suffers dire consequences and Jess's amnesia lifts to reveal a shocking truth.
The investigation finally falls into place and Harding steps up. Ruby has the final piece of the puzzle, but someone else knows Jess's secret.
Family life is shattered when Spencer Marris is abducted from his idyllic home on Waiheke Island. Then, Jess gets a call from her dead husband, Alex.
Sex or money? Jess learns more of Spencer's background and the compromises his wife had made in the marriage. Later, Jess's blackmailer pays a visit.
When a child's skeleton is dug up on a dope plantation, suspicion is cast on the local community and nearby commune dwellers.
Jess's relationship with the commune founders makes the investigation complex. The blackmailer loses patience with Jess and Harding catches her in a compromising position.
A stabbing at a building site inevitably throws immigrant workers under suspicion. Harding comes up with a plan to turn the tables on Jess's blackmailer.
A death puts Sarah Scully in the spotlight and Jess tries to figure out what Ruby's role was. To her horror, Jess discovers who her blackmailer is.
Denise's defense of her girlfriend Valerie from a frenzied attack has devastating results. A local vineyard hides a dark secret. Jess accuses Ruby's friends of hiding the truth.
Jess finally confronts her blackmailer. Harding meets his sister Nadia after years of estrangement, but the encounter doesn't go anything like he planned.
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