Howzat! Kerry Packer's War

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Comment regarder Howzat! Kerry Packer's War sur Netflix
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  • Nouvelle-ZélandeAustralie


Australian media mogul Kerry Packer fought a cricket war by secretly signing up 50 of the world's greatest players to form a breakaway tournament.


Nicholas Cooper
Nicholas Cooper
Lachy Hulme
Lachy Hulme
Abe Forsythe
Abe Forsythe
Damon Gameau
Damon Gameau
Brendan Cowell
Brendan Cowell
Matthew Le Nevez
Matthew Le Nevez
Clayton Watson
Clayton Watson
Craig Hall
Craig Hall
Richard Davies
Richard Davies
Alexander England
Alexander England


Howzat! Kerry Packer's War: Saison 1

Part 1
Déverrouillable en Australie

Part 1


In 1976 Kerry Packer declared war on the cricket establishment by secretly forming a rebel competition with the worlds best players. Packer's World Series Cricket challenged the establishment and changed public opinion.

Part 2
Déverrouillable en Australie

Part 2


Packer's plans for World Series Cricket are in disarray following attacks from the media, the establishment, and conflict among the players. Facing financial ruin, Packer and his team take radical steps to win over the public and players.

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