FM999: 999 Women's Songs

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FM999: 999 Women's Songs: Saison 1

What is a woman?
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What is a woman?


Recently turned 16 years old, Kiyomi asks herself, "What is a woman?". She suddenly hears the voice of the DJ for FM999 in her head. She meets "The First Woman", "The Woman Who Wears a Fur Coat", and "The Woman Whose Rain Only Falls There".

Women and Work
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Women and Work


In class after school, Kiyomi is worried about her future and frustrated about her dreams. Kiyomi is once again visited by the DJ of FM999. She meets "Rhinoceros Woman", "Woman Going Fishing" and "Prime Minister Woman". After she returns to herself, Shinkai appears in the classroom.

Women and Love
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Women and Love


Kiyomi has fallen in love with Shinkai-senpai of the archery club. Though Kiyomi has a certain amount of experience with falling in love, she is still upset about it. FM999 echoes in her head again after she mutters "what is a woman?" once again. As usual, Kiyomi learns from the songs selected by the DJ and the women she learns from this time are "Woman in love with a woman", "Woman with scissors", and the "Homewrecker Woman".

Women and Cuteness
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Women and Cuteness


Kiyomi is going out with Shinkai-senpai. She hears his friends talking badly about her in front of him. When her eyes meet Shinkai's, who doesn't argue about what's being said, she thinks "I'm not cute". The DJ selects The "Mirror Ball Woman", the "Magical Girl Woman", and the "Eyebrow Woman". Kiyomi regains her confidence after listening to the songs. When she returns to reality, Shinkai-senpai...

Women and Sex
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Women and Sex


Kiyomi's father, Koike Toru, went out. When there's no one at home, she contacts Shinkai-senpai who asks her if he can come over. Kiyomi, who immediately imagines sex asks "what is a woman?". The DJ selects three songs from "Mantis Woman", "Paris Woman", and "Ghost Woman". When she returns to reality, the chime at the entrance sounds.

Women and Running Away
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Women and Running Away


Pas de description disponible.

Women and Depression
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Women and Depression


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Women and Illness
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Women and Illness


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Women and Pregnancy
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Women and Pregnancy


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Episode 10
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Episode 10


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