THE 有頂天ホテル

Lo sentimos, THE 有頂天ホテル no está disponible en Netflix Costa Rica . Verificamos Netflix cientos de veces al día, por lo que puede volver a consultar periódicamente para ver cuándo aparece para la transmisión.

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Set in a five star Tokyo hotel on New Year's Eve, the film follows the misadventures of various hotel staff and guests in the run-up to midnight. The plot involves numerous characters, the different problems or situations they face in the run-up to midnight, and the ways that these different storylines interact and are resolved. The film is reminiscent of the Hollywood screwball comedies of 1930s and 1940s, and explicitly references the 1932 film Grand Hotel, whose plot also followed the interlinked lives of various characters in a fictional hotel over a short period.


Kôji Yakusho
Kôji Yakusho
Takako Matsu
Takako Matsu
Kôichi Satô
Kôichi Satô
Shingo Katori
Shingo Katori

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