El deshielo

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Después de que se encuentre el cuerpo de una mujer joven en las aguas heladas del río Oder de Polonia, la detective Katarzyna Zawieja, recién viuda, dirige la investigación para localizar al asesino. Cuando se hace evidente que la víctima dio a luz poco antes de su muerte, Zawieja, que nunca se da por vencida fácilmente, va en busca del recién nacido desaparecido. Todavía conmocionada por el presunto suicidio de su marido, emprende un esfuerzo exhaustivo para resolver el caso, aunque eso signifique enfrentarse a sus propias circunstancias y ponerse a sí misma, y a su frágil familia, en el punto de mira de los criminales más peligrosos del país. La búsqueda implacable de la mujer por la verdad mientras se atreve a enfrentar sus propios demonios y encontrarse a sí misma.


Malgorzata Gorol
Malgorzata Gorol
Sebastian Fabijanski
Sebastian Fabijanski
Boguslaw Linda
Boguslaw Linda
Monika Krzywkowska
Monika Krzywkowska


El deshielo: Temporada 1

End of the Road
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End of the Road


Six people separated by hundreds of miles, all joined by the common cause of surviving the winter in the Alaskan bush. In Noorvik, Chip races to set whitefish nets on thin ice for the last catch of the season. Fishing on the frozen river is deadly, but it's vital to haul enough fish to last through the winter. Andy tests the safety of the river surrounding his house that he uses as a link to the outside world. Without this winter lifeline, he is trapped and isolated.

Hunt, Barter and Steal
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Hunt, Barter and Steal


Sue heads home after recovering from an injury, only to find that her fuel supply has been stolen. Elsewhere, Chip and Agnes are unable to access their hunting grounds and are forced to barter their supplies.

Winter's Edge
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Winter's Edge


Sue sets up hand lines between her most important buildings and prepares firearms as a blizzard approaches. Elsewhere, Erik collects water and wood.

Wolf at the Door
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Wolf at the Door


A wolf approaches Sue's cabin; Chip's snow machine breaks down; and Erik hunts for lynx.

Blood, Sweat and Fear
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Blood, Sweat and Fear


Sue runs low on fuel and calls for an air delivery, but mechanical trouble and an impending winter storm make travel difficult. Elsewhere, Erik deals with a crafty wolf.

There Be Monsters
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There Be Monsters


Kate and Andy collect lumber for their homestead before celebrating her birthday; Chip and Agnes go hunting.

Cold, Dark and Alone
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Cold, Dark and Alone


Sue gets a rare hunting opportunity when a flock of birds end up in her yard; Erik has a snow-machine accident while out setting traps.

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Sue encounters a predator outside her tent; Andy buys a new sawmill and must tow it home despite dangerous snowdrifts on the Taylor Highway.

The Chase
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The Chase


Chip and Agnes track a wolf for its fur; Sue hunts for a moose; Kate and Andy prepare for a doomsday scenario.

Hell and High Water
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Hell and High Water


Sue travels to Fairbanks to buy her Kavik River Camp; Andy and Kate move their dogs to a safe location before an ice breakup; Erik preps for grizzly-hunting season by renting out his property.

El deshielo: Temporada 1

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Episodio 1

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Episodio 2

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Episodio 3

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Episodio 4

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Episodio 5

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Episodio 6

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El deshielo: Temporada 2

Hunt or Be Hunted
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Hunt or Be Hunted


The second season begins with Andy dealing with a dangerous predator as hibernation season ends for the local wildlife. Also: Chip and Agnes hunt for fur; and Sue works to stock her freezer before the end of bear season.

The Meltdown
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The Meltdown


The runway strip is threatened by runoff from melting snow that could halt vital business for Sue's camp. Elsewhere, Chip and Agnes commence on a fishing expedition with their children.

The Mess of Success
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The Mess of Success


Sue deals with last-minute emergencies while preparing for customers to stay at her camp; Andy and Kate build a greenhouse for growing food supplies.

Hungry Country
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Hungry Country


Glenn runs low on provisions and decides to go fishing to replenish his supplies. Elsewhere, Sue investigates a strange sight on the horizon and then tries to collect coal.

No Time To Lose
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No Time To Lose


Sue attempts to hunt caribou to fill her food supplies before winter; Andy tries fishing with a net, which can be more dangerous to operate than his fish wheel.

Long Road Home
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Long Road Home


Due to a shortage of food, Glenn is forced to travel from Chandalar to Fairbanks.

El deshielo: Temporada 3

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Episodio 1

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Episodio 2

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Episodio 3

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Episodio 4

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Episodio 5

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Episodio 6

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Episodio 7

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Episodio 8

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Episodio 9

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Episodio 10

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Episodio 11

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Episodio 12

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Episodio 13

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El deshielo: Temporada 4

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Episodio 1

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Episodio 2

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Episodio 3

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Episodio 4

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Episodio 5

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Episodio 6

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Episodio 7

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Episodio 8

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El deshielo: Temporada 5

Ready or Not
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Ready or Not


Fall season in the Arctic means the final preparation is in full swing for the long winter months ahead. In Kavik, Sue sets off on a quest for food to survive the coming freeze. In Eagle, Andy and Kate race to get their fish wheel turning before the chum salmon run hits. With their annual caribou hunt on the horizon, the Hailstones build a cache to store their meat for the season. And in Chandalar, Glenn sets out on the most critical hunt of his year as he hopes to harvest a moose that will yield nearly six months’ worth of meat.

Armed for Winter
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Armed for Winter


With winter around the corner, Alaskans prepare themselves for the onslaught. In Noorvik, the Hailstone family goes caribou hunting to put up meat for the winter. In Kavik, a bear poses a threat to clients at Sue’s camp. In Eagle, Andy repairs the fish wheel to protect the dogs’ food supply. And in Chandalar, Glenn must haul a felled moose over land and water to get it back to the safety of his camp.

Out of Control
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Out of Control


With seasons changing and the transition from fall to winter, Alaskans are preparing for the winter months. In Eagle, Andy hunts for elusive moose, as he and Kate need to replenish their red meat supply for the coming winter. In Kavik, Sue seals up camp and heads to Fairbanks for a foot procedure. With Tiktaalik — a local word for burbot — in season, the Hailstones teach their daughters to ice fish on the river. And in Chandalar, Glenn repairs his cabin before the harsh winter hits.

Out of Control
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Out of Control


Alaskans prepare for the winter months; hunting moose; ice fishing; cabin repairs and procedures.

The Unknown
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The Unknown


Investigating squatters; collecting firewood; braving thin ice to harvest whitefish.

Darkness Falls
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Darkness Falls


With dark winter just around the corner, Alaskans continue preparing for the winter months.

Alone in the Dark
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Alone in the Dark


Andy maintains his sled dog trails; Sue works on fixing her generator at the camp; the Hailstones build a tee pee for upcoming hunting trips; and Erik takes his wife hunting for animal hides to sell.

Emergency Cache
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Emergency Cache


The Hailstones stash supplies along their hunting trails; Sue has trouble contacting people outside her camp; Erik falls while he's gathering firewood; and Andy goes hunting for muskrats.

No Easy Out
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No Easy Out


Chip and Agnes prepare for hunting along the Kiwalik River; Sue builds a pair of snowshoes; Andy goes in search of much needed supplies; Erik and Martha set their first traps of the season.

Bent and Broken
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Bent and Broken


In Eagle, Andy constructs snares to maintain his food supply. In Wiseman, Erik and Martha cut up their last moose quarter and use salvaged supplies to construct a smokehouse.

The Crash
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The Crash


As winter begins to fade and signs of spring appear, Alaskans must start to store supplies.

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Spring is on the horizon, and the Alaskans prepare for the coming months as winter ends.

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Episodio 13

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Episodio 14

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El deshielo: Temporada 6

The Resurrection
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The Resurrection


When spring arrives in Alaska, the thaw means time to begin preparation for the next freeze, be it hunting, fishing or relocating for the summer.

The Bottom Line
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The Bottom Line


The Hailstones and Jessie work on projects to take advantage of the summer bounty. Glenn searches for a long lost cabin, and Sue reopens her camp.

Running on Empty
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Running on Empty


Glenn goes on a scouting trip, while Jessie rushes to complete his fish wheel. Sue faces setbacks at her camp, and the Hailstones go on a hunt.

Red Flag
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Red Flag


Technical issues sideline Sue, while weather issues cause the Hailstones to buckle down. Glenn and Jessie find an abundance of food and resources.

Predator Control
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Predator Control


Erik returns to embark on a hunt, and Sue attempts to restock her freezers. The Hailstones get a new boat, and Jessie continues to work on his fish wheel.

Divide and Conquer
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Divide and Conquer


Alaskans must divide and conquer to stockpile resources for the long winter ahead. We follow Sue, Chip, Jessie and others in their preparations.

Under the Gun
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Under the Gun


Sue travels to a weaponry in Fairbanks, the Hailstone family head north to collect greens, Jessie constructs new doghouses for his dog team, and Martha goes on a solo duck hunt.

Lost in the Wild
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Lost in the Wild


The Hailstones navigate treacherous waters, Jessie scouts future hunting and fishing locations, Erik and Martha load up on salmon and Sue receives a generous gift.

El deshielo: Temporada 7

On the Edge
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On the Edge


Sue readies her camp for the coming winter. Glenn makes his move from Fairbanks to Chandalar. Jessie revamps his entire dog lot. The Hailstones begin work on a mobile home.

Pride and Power
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Pride and Power


Sue waits on a fuel delivery. Glenn goes on a moose hunt. Jessie revamps his dog lot. The Hailstones begin to build a mobile home.

Falling Apart
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Falling Apart


Sue makes needed repairs around camp. Jessie collects fish from his fish wheel. Glenn works to haul a moose back to camp. Chip processes and trades pieces of a caribou.

Deadly Tracks
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Deadly Tracks


With the freeze under way, Alaskans scramble to secure their livelihoods. Sue Aikens returns to find a dangerous predator lurking just outside of camp.

Breaking Through
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Breaking Through


The Arctic’s late freeze presents unique challenges for Alaskans as they attempt to gather food and resources for survival.

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Repairs, hunting and errands are all on the to-do list as five Alaskans struggle to get through the everyday grind as a long, dark winter looms ahead.

Ghosts of Winter
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Ghosts of Winter


The looming arrival of dark winter forces Alaskans to tackle various obstacles to ensure a prosperous season.

No Boundaries
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No Boundaries


In the dead of winter, Alaskans travel into the mountains and across frozen rivers and tundra to obtain resources for survival.

Trapped and Hunted
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Trapped and Hunted


Though not easy tasks, trapping and hunting are essential activities for Alaskans to get crucial food and fur to survive dark winter.

Winter Kill
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Winter Kill


Alaskans pursue scarce resources in anticipation of the coming spring and face some unexpected surprises.

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At the end of a brutal winter, and on the cusp of spring, Alaskans encounter unexpected roadblocks in their struggle for survival.

No Shortcuts
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No Shortcuts


The winter comes to a close but the Alaskans are still struggling with their seasonal duties.

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Episodio 13

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Episodio 14

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Episodio 15

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Sue Aikens
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Sue Aikens


Sue Aikens has chosen to carve out a life of perilous isolation in the remote artic tundra, overcoming constant challenges to thrive at Kavik River Camp, a remote refueling station on the North Slope of Alaska. Sue reveals her journey to Kavik, starting from a rough childhood and tracing through three marriages and numerous ups and downs, and she shares what it is that draws her to a life of solitude.

The Hailstones
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The Hailstones


Chip and Agnes Hailstone struggle to live in the Artic and survive as a family, while passing along the importance of their heritage and native traditions to their children. Chip and Agnes discuss their background and experiences, sharing the struggles they have had living a semi-nomadic subsistence lifestyle while hunting, fishing and gathering to survive in the harsh conditions of Northwest Alaska.

Glenn Villeneuve
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Glenn Villeneuve


Glenn Villeneuve's life above the Arctic Circle is chronicled.

El deshielo: Temporada 8

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Episodio 1

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Episodio 2

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Episodio 3

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Episodio 4

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Episodio 5

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Episodio 6

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Episodio 7

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Episodio 8

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Episodio 9

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Episodio 10

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El deshielo: Temporada 9

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Episodio 6

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Episodio 9

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Episodio 10

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El deshielo: Temporada 10

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Episodio 4

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Episodio 5

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Episodio 6

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Episodio 7

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Episodio 8

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El deshielo: Temporada 11

Tricks of the Trade
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Tricks of the Trade


Even the toughest Alaskans sometimes need a helping hand.

Changing of the Guard
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Changing of the Guard


Alaskans must complete their final tasks before the freeze, as winter approaches.

Dirty Work
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Dirty Work


Strenuous labor represents just a part of life for isolated Alaskans.

Arctic Harvest
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Arctic Harvest


At the onset of dark winter, the clock is ticking for Alaskans to brace for what lies ahead.

Home Again
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Home Again


To survive dark winter, Alaskans call on old traditions and learn new techniques.

The Great Unknown
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The Great Unknown


With their futures uncertain, Alaskans must adapt to old and new surroundings to survive.

A Lesson Learned
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A Lesson Learned


Hard lessons must be learned to survive during the dark winter in the Arctic.

Into the storm
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Into the storm


Sue must build new furniture from scratch. Ricko traps a dangerous foe. Jessie constructs a new workshop. The Hailstones journey through a treacherous storm.

Trail of Wolves
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Trail of Wolves


Alaskans take to the frozen trails to harvest much-needed resources for dark winter.

Trial by Fire
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Trial by Fire


A lifelong dream is within reach in the Arctic, and only Mother Nature stands in the way.

Window of Opportunity
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Window of Opportunity


Sue settles back into life at Kavik; Ricko replaces the cabin stove; Jessie struggles to free his four-wheeler from the frozen mud; Chip and Agnes hunt an apex predator.

Winds of Change
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Winds of Change


The Hailstone family rushes to prepare camp for a possible storm; winds jeopardize Sue's camp and livelihood; as goose season opens, Ricko teaches his daughter to hunt; Glenn heads out to replenish his family's meat supply.

The Burning Man
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The Burning Man


Sue sharpens her survival skills; Jessie sets out for food and medicine; Glenn burns a manmade structure to the ground so that nature can reclaim its rightful place; the Hailstones embark on a traditional hunt for valued seal meat and oil.

Open Season
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Open Season


The everyday struggles of living in the Alaskan wilderness where one wrong decision could be deadly.

The Great Changeover
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The Great Changeover


Sue rips out her old kitchen to build a new one; the Hailstones go picking for vegetables; Ricko goes fishing with his kids; Jessie goes beaver hunting.

The Nightmare
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The Nightmare


Alaskans make the transition into the Arctic summer; the Hailstone family contends with a natural obstacle; Jessie harvests food; Sue hustles to protect Kavik before clients arrive; Ricko and his children face a deadly threat.

Treading Water
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Treading Water


Sue deals with a flooded runway; the Hailstones patch their fishing net before the run of fish occurs in Kiwalik; Ricko and his children head out to secure camp food; Jessie builds a new raft to haul firewood throughout the summer season.

Highways of the Arctic
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Highways of the Arctic


In Alaska, summer is spent preparing for what lies ahead; the Hailstones spend a night on the water; Sue Aikens battles river currents to source coal; Ricko DeWilde secures food with nets made by his late mother; Jessie Holmes gathers firewood.

Back in the Saddle
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Back in the Saddle


With the summer ending, Alaskans must overcome exhaustion, injury and failure; after seeking medical aid, Andy returns home to pick up the pieces; Jessie harvests salmon; Sue searches for winter food; the Hailstones gather key resources.

Race Against Time
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Race Against Time


As summer wanes, Alaskans race against Father Time to harvest nature's bounty.

No One Fights Alone
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No One Fights Alone


Alaskans scramble to secure provisions before winter; Andy Bassich must secure clean water to grow vital crops; Sue Aikens stalks a herd of caribou; Jessie Holmes returns to a familiar area to hunt a dangerous predator.

Cost of Winter
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Cost of Winter


At the edge of the warm season, Alaskans prepare to pay winter's cost; Ricko DeWilde heads out on a proxy moose hunt to aid a village elder; Sue Aikens builds an arctic entryway; Jessie Holmes works to finish his dream cabin before conditions worsen.

El deshielo: Temporada 12

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Episodio 1

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Episodio 6

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Episodio 7

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Episodio 8

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Episodio 9

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Episodio 10

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Episodio 11

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Episodio 12

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Episodio 13

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Episodio 14

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Episodio 15

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Episodio 16

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Episodio 17

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Episodio 18

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Episodio 19

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El deshielo: Temporada 13

Winter's End
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Winter's End


The spring thaw in Alaska ushers in a new season, new opportunities and new challenges.

First Blood
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First Blood


Alaskans work to gather newly available resources with the spring season underway.

Shock & Awe
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Shock & Awe


Alaskans must take advantage of the endless summer daylight to secure resources and repair vital equipment before the freeze returns.

Domino Effect
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Domino Effect


Alaskans must maximize the longer summer days in the Arctic before the freeze returns.

Bear Scare
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Bear Scare


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New Country
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New Country


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Beware the Wild
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Beware the Wild


As the Arctic summer comes to an end, residents of Alaska must seize the final hours of daylight to prepare for the return of winter’s fury.

The New World
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The New World


With winter looming, the residents of Alaska must gather the last of the season’s resources before the freeze returns to the land.

El deshielo: Temporada 14

Brink of Winter
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Brink of Winter


With the first signs of winter already showing, Alaskans must make use of the last days of sunlight to secure food and shelter for their survival.

Life & Death
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Life & Death


With the first signs of winter already showing, Alaskans must make use of the last days of sunlight to secure food and shelter for their survival.

Taking Chances
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Taking Chances


With winter bearing down on the Arctic, Alaskans scramble to prepare for the cold months that lie ahead.

The Other Side
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The Other Side


With dark winter quickly approaching, Alaskans must face their inner demons, and prepare themselves to battle against the dying of the light.

Into the Night
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Into the Night


Dark Winter has descended upon the Arctic to rule the land once more. To survive, Alaskans must battle deadly conditions and cruel temperatures.

Bone Cold
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Bone Cold


In the heart of winter, Alaskans face deadly, bone-chilling temperatures as they struggle to survive in one of the world’s most inhospitable regions.

Man Down
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Man Down


Frigid temperatures, heavy snowfall and unclear trails turn simple tasks into dangerous endeavors for residents of the Arctic.

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El deshielo: Temporada 15

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Episodio 9

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Episodio 10

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Episodio 11

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El deshielo: Temporada 16

Winter’s Surprise
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Winter’s Surprise


For Alaskans, the return of winter brings new challenges.

Breaking Trail
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Breaking Trail


As winter strengthens, Alaskans are forced to react.

Cold Harvest
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Cold Harvest


The deep freeze sets in; Alaskans brave cruel temperatures.

Cold Rage
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Cold Rage


Storms threaten lives in the Arctic as dark winter arrives.

Creature of the Night
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Creature of the Night


Arctic residents must brace for the dangers that lurk ahead.

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Alaskans must brave extreme cold to secure their survival.

Fast Food
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Fast Food


The path forward will require trial and error.

Cold Crusade
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Cold Crusade


Enhanced episode, Alaskans combat the deep cold.

Winter Reigns
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Winter Reigns


The Arctic winter does not go quietly into the night.

Bad Break
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Bad Break


Alaskans confront the unknown in the dead of winter.

The Beast
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The Beast


The final days of winter force Alaskans to push through.

El deshielo: Temporada 17

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Episodio 1

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Episodio 2

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El deshielo: Temporada 18

Swept Away
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Swept Away


Spring comes with new dangers

Something out there
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Something out there


Arctic spring brings new opportunities

Raging Waters
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Raging Waters


Alaskan spring brings warming temperatures

Open wounds
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Open wounds


Alaskans use the sun drenched days of summer

Chasing ghosts
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Chasing ghosts


Residents seize the unending daylight

Fire in the sky
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Fire in the sky


Alaskans take advantage of the unseasonably mild weather

A hunt to remember
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A hunt to remember


Residents need to adapt to the climate in order to survive

Rite of passage
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Rite of passage


Alaskans must prepare for the changeover underway in conditions

El deshielo: Temporada 19

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Episodio 1

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Episodio 2

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Episodio 3

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Episodio 4

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Episodio 5

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Episodio 6

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Episodio 7

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Episodio 8

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Episodio 9

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No disponible

Episodio 10

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No disponible

Episodio 11

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No hay descripción disponible.

El deshielo: Temporada 20

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Episodio 1

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Episodio 2

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No hay descripción disponible.

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Episodio 3

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Episodio 4

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Episodio 5

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Episodio 6

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No disponible

Episodio 7

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No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 8

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No hay descripción disponible.

El deshielo: Temporada 21

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Episodio 1

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Episodio 2

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Episodio 3

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Episodio 4

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No disponible

Episodio 5

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No disponible

Episodio 6

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 7

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 8

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No disponible

Episodio 9

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No disponible

Episodio 10

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 11

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

El deshielo: Temporada 22

No disponible

Episodio 1

No disponible

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No disponible

Episodio 2

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

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Episodio 3

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No disponible

Episodio 4

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No disponible

Episodio 5

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 6

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 7

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 8

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 9

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