പൈസ പൈസ

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The story unfolds the events happening in just four hours of a day in two cities - Kochi and Chennai. Balu (Aju Varghese) who goes to Chennai to attend an interview falls into a trap in the few minutes he goes out of the call centre office to make a phone call. He contacts his friend Kishore (Indrajith), an ad filmmaker and his friend, to help him with some money. Kishore, who is in Kochi, has an equally crucial day. His wife Surya (Mamta Mohandas) is returning to his life as the couple has been living separate for some time. Kishore sets aside his plans to reconcile with his wife to help his friend. However, he fails to gather enough money to help Balu. How money changes the life of these characters forms the rest of the story.


Indrajith Sukumaran
Indrajith Sukumaran
Mamta Mohandas
Mamta Mohandas
Daniel Balaji
Daniel Balaji
Aju Varghese
Aju Varghese

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