
Lo sentimos, 60歳のラブレター no está disponible en Netflix España . Verificamos Netflix cientos de veces al día, por lo que puede volver a consultar periódicamente para ver cuándo aparece para la transmisión.

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Too shy to speak out the word of appreciation, too busy to show that you care... Many excuses lie between each and every couple, when they look back the distance created during the long years in which they took each other for granted... Love Letters sent from husbands to wives and from wives to husbands, quietly voice their unspoken appreciation for each other over the years that they have shared. The original idea comes from the postcard project "Love Letters at Sixty" which has brought a wave of sympathy to the precious emotions shared by many married couples.


Chie Ayado
Chie Ayado
Jung Ayul
Jung Ayul
Yûko Genkaku
Yûko Genkaku
Sachie Hara
Sachie Hara

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