French Dirty

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Having never moved on from his parent’s divorce, Vincent hasn’t really found himself. Untethered to a job or any real responsibilities, he hangs out with Steve, his childhood best friend, and Jess, his girlfriend. That is until the moment he meets Roma. The chemistry is undeniable, but Vincent is still involved with Jess, so he introduces Roma to Steve and watches love bloom, forcing him to hide his deep feelings for her. When Steve leaves town, Vincent and Roma hook up, admit they are in love and vow to tell Steve byt the end of the day. But as the sun sets behind the los angeles skyline, Vincent ruminates on his parents’ failed marriage, his own arrested development and the choice he must make to become a better man.


Wade Allain-Marcus
Wade Allain-Marcus
Melina Lizette
Melina Lizette
Arjun Gupta
Arjun Gupta
Elsa Biedermann
Elsa Biedermann

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