Upper Middle Bogan

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  • AustralieNouvelle-Zélande


Follow the stories of two families living at opposite ends of the freeway. Bess Denyar is a doctor with a posh mother, Margaret, an architect husband, Danny Bright, and twin 13-year-olds at a private school, Oscar and Edwina. When Bess finds out that she is adopted, she is stunned, but even more so when she meets her birth parents, Wayne and Julie Wheeler. She also discovers that she has three siblings: Amber, Kayne and Brianna. The bogan Wheelers head up a drag racing team in the outer suburbs and are thrilled to discover the daughter they thought they had lost.


Harrison Feldman
Harrison Feldman
Annie Maynard
Annie Maynard
Patrick Brammall
Patrick Brammall
Robyn Malcolm
Robyn Malcolm
Michala Banas
Michala Banas
Rhys Mitchell
Rhys Mitchell
Maddy Jevic
Maddy Jevic
Lara Robinson
Lara Robinson


Upper Middle Bogan: Saison 1

I'm a Swan
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I'm a Swan


Middle-class woman, Bess Denyar, discovers she's adopted. She's shocked to find her birth parents head up a drag racing team in the outer suburbs.

Forefathers and Two Mothers
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Forefathers and Two Mothers


Bess is angry at Margaret for lying to her all these years and decides to concentrate on getting to know her real parents. However, becoming one big family could take longer than hoped.

Your Roots Are Showing
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Your Roots Are Showing


Wayne and Julie give Bess a ride in a V8 Supercar to make up for all the birthdays they've missed. Bess is trying hard to please everyone, but no longer sure where she belongs.

Picture Perfect
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Picture Perfect


Bess arranges a lunch for her two mothers, which doesn’t quite go as planned. Julie feels terrible for giving Bess up for adoption and presents her with a rather unusual gift.

No Angel
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No Angel


Danny is devastated when Edwina wants to quit the bassoon after relentless bullying at school. She makes everything alright at a music concert where she plays in a way no one expects.

Behind You!
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Behind You!


After backing into another car, Wayne is forced to take a driving test. At work, Bess has a bullying issue and Wayne offers to come to her rescue - unaware she may also come to his.

Don't Over Think It
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Don't Over Think It


Angry with Margaret for not taking her diabetes seriously, Bess sets up training sessions with newly qualified Brianna. Margaret reluctantly agrees, but is surprised at the outcome.

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Bess and family support Team Wheeler at the drag racing championships. Bess tries to solve engine problems, however the aftermath is filled with fury. Will they sever ties?

Upper Middle Bogan: Saison 2

Hot But Cold
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Hot But Cold


Bess continues to struggle with the adoption discovery and develops some misplaced trust issues. Danny is concentrating on his new passive cooling system and Troy is desperate to get back with Amber.

Let's Talk About Sex
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Let's Talk About Sex


After a sex education night at school, Oscar is keen to learn all he can and it leaves Bess wondering if she and Danny are in a rut. Brianna becomes a direct sales lingerie franchisee.

Bonds and Stocks
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Bonds and Stocks


Bess is concerned the Brights don't have any family bonding hobbies like the Wheelers. Meanwhile, Julie discovers Wayne is the descendant of rich relatives.

I Dream of Broccolini
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I Dream of Broccolini


Shawn races against Team Wheeler's arch rivals the Amentas in the junior drags. Bess is delighted to involve her family until Edwina develops a super crush.

Occupation Hazards
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Occupation Hazards


Amber applies for a promotion at the bank, which requires a good word from Margaret. Bess is tiring of medical-related visits from the Wheelers.

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Wayne wants to surprise Julie with an expensive necklace for their 30th wedding anniversary however a toothache causes some physical and financial pain.

All You Can Eat
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All You Can Eat


Edwina talks Danny into letting Shawn do work experience with him, exposing his middle class lifestyle. Meanwhile, Margaret's doctor insists she must find a dog to walk every day.

Jules in the Crown
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Jules in the Crown


Julie goes to stay with Bess after a falling with her family. Margaret realises the only way to get her out is to make the rest of the Wheelers bring her home.

Upper Middle Bogan: Saison 3

New Kids On The Block
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New Kids On The Block


The Brights move into an ultra modern house designed by Danny, who refuses to let Bess clutter it with their old furniture. Brianna and her new fiance audition for The Block and Amber discovers that Troy has moved on.

Knock It Off
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Knock It Off


When a shop owner commissions Kayne to paint his designs, Margaret is outraged that she has no plans to pay him. Bess grapples with a gift from Julie and Danny fumes when a coffee shop copies his shirt to make its uniform.

If You Knew Susie
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If You Knew Susie


When Bess discovers that Julie has a secret sister, she enlists Brianna, Amber and Margaret to spy. Danny reluctantly takes Oscar away to a conference and Wayne fights the council after they shut down Kayne's backyard shop.

Sons Of Anarchy
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Sons Of Anarchy


Amber is appalled when Shawn invites his new and very alternative girlfriend to stay. Bess is upset when Edwina announces she wants to do medicine after meeting an inspirational surgeon, having never been inspired by Bess.

Sticking To Your Principals
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Sticking To Your Principals


Shawn drops out of school, so Amber turns to the school Principal who helps in an unexpected manner. Julie is injured so Kayne offers to drive for Team Wheeler, while Bess and Danny prepare Oscar for a wilderness expedition.

Generous To A Faultline
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Generous To A Faultline


Bess brings Margaret & Julie to a Mothers' Day Lunch, where Bess having 'two mothers' is misunderstood. The Wheelers help Amber & Evan at a hardware store sausage sizzle & Danny signs the kids up for a charity bike ride.

Row Row Row
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Row Row Row


Brianna coaches Edwina's rowing team, with much more gusto than Edwina wants. At the regatta, Evan gives Amber a speedboat, a gift she oddly doesn't like. After minor surgery, Danny stays home while Margaret looks after him.

Christmas Break
Déverrouillable en Nouvelle-Zélande

Christmas Break


Bess struggles to tell Margaret & Julie that she is spending Christmas in New York. Wayne & Kayne try to make their Christmas lights display the best in the street this year, and Danny helps Oscar buy a Kris Kringle.

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