The Witch Doctor Will See You Now

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Document some of the world's most ancient and extreme medical practices, from the snake-soup healer in Hong Kong to the chicken-massaging witch doctors in the African country of Cameroon. Gibbon is joined by volunteer patients who are seeking cures to their own ailments, something Western medicine has failed to achieve.


The Witch Doctor Will See You Now: Saison 1

Snake Blood Remedy
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Snake Blood Remedy


Piers Gibbon takes volunteer patients to Hong Kong in a bid to uncover the science behind traditional Chinese medicine and determine if these remedies can succeed where Western medicine has failed.

Cow Urine Cure
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Cow Urine Cure


Could traditional Indian healing cure ailments like migraines, tinnitus and eczema that Western medicine can’t?

Goat Blood Bath
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Goat Blood Bath


Piers takes volunteer patients to the African country of Cameroon to find out if extreme treatments from traditional medicine hold the cure to their medical issues.

Hallucinogenic Healing
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Hallucinogenic Healing


Piers Gibbon and two volunteer patients test a range of unusual remedies sourced from the Peruvian jungle in a bid to use shamanic medicine to cure ailments they’ve struggled to fix at home.

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