
Lo sentimos, 失楽園 no está disponible en Netflix Italia . Verificamos Netflix cientos de veces al día, por lo que puede volver a consultar periódicamente para ver cuándo aparece para la transmisión.

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The tragic tale of two lovers whose passion burns so intensely it destroys them. Based on the bestselling novel by Junichi Watanabe, is about the fated love affair between Shoichiro, a middle-aged man who has come to regret devoting his whole life to his work, and Rinko, a beautiful woman trapped in a married life filled with depression and disillusion. A man engaged to Soichiro's daughter, Chika, has fallen in love with Rinko, and Soichiro meets with her to ask her to end the relationship. However, despite their unpleasant first meeting, soon Shoichiro and Rinko find themselves drawn to each other, and find in each other something that had been missing in their lives. Their burning passion heightens, until their yearning for everlasting, perfect love leads to a fateful decision.


Kôji Yakusho
Kôji Yakusho
Hitomi Kuroki
Hitomi Kuroki
Akira Terao
Akira Terao
Toshio Shiba
Toshio Shiba

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