
Lo sentimos, 刑警兄弟 no está disponible en Netflix Italia . Verificamos Netflix cientos de veces al día, por lo que puede volver a consultar periódicamente para ver cuándo aparece para la transmisión.

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After the hot-tempered police detective Fei messes up yet another operation, he is transferred to a fictional department that houses all the useless staff the force couldn’t sack. There he finds a new enemy in the mild-mannered desk officer Johnny, who loathes Fei’s disregard for discipline. But when Fei’s father and Johnny’s mother coincidentally become an item, the new brothers must somehow learn to cohabit under the same roof.


Jin Au-Yeung
Jin Au-Yeung
Yao Bin
Yao Bin
William Wai-Lim Chak
William Wai-Lim Chak
Alice Chan
Alice Chan

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