
Lo sentimos, Bloodlock no está disponible en Netflix Italia . Verificamos Netflix cientos de veces al día, por lo que puede volver a consultar periódicamente para ver cuándo aparece para la transmisión.

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Christine and her husband Barry have bought an old fixer upper in a small town, using her recent inheritance, believing that fixing it up and a fresh start, will help her recover from a near nervous breakdown. Christine has invited her sister Lisa to move in with them unaware that she is having an affair with husband Barry. Barry, a police detective, only stays with Christine for her money and is looking a way to rid himself permanently of her. Lisa flirts with Barry under Christine?s nose delighting in the thrill of the possibility of being discovered. They find a secret room in the basement laundry with a heavy, titanium door with a cross and mystical writings, locked by an intricate mechanism. They joke about it but only as a way of coping with the mounting fear that it hides something horrible.


Ashley Gallo
Ashley Gallo
Gregg Biamonte
Gregg Biamonte
Debra Gordon
Debra Gordon
Dominic Koulianos
Dominic Koulianos

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