Fairy Tail

Hay una serie de opciones para ver Fairy Tail en México, y hemos repasado las más populares aquí: consulte su suscripción de transmisión a continuación o lea la lista completa.

NetflixAmazon PrimeDisney Plus
Todas las opciones de streaming/compra/alquiler

Aventuras mágicas y emocionantes en Fairy Tail

¡Bienvenidos al mágico y cautivador mundo de Fairy Tail! Esta exitosa serie de anime, estrenada en 2009, nos sumerge en un universo lleno de poderosos gremios, hechizos sorprendentes y personajes inolvidables.

Con una trama envolvente y llena de acción, Fairy Tail sigue las increíbles hazañas del gremio de magia Fairy Tail, conformado por talentosos magos como Natsu Dragneel, el protagonista principal, junto a Lucy Heartfilia, Gray Fullbuster y Erza Scarlet.

Con una animación sorprendente y una banda sonora épica, la producción de Fairy Tail captura a los espectadores desde el primer episodio y no los suelta hasta el final. La serie nos deleita con espectaculares secuencias de combate, momentos emotivos y sorpresas constantes.

Fairy Tail ha sido aclamada tanto por los críticos como por el público, convirtiéndose en una de las series de anime más queridas y populares a nivel mundial. Su mezcla perfecta de acción, comedia, magia y amistad ha conquistado los corazones de millones de fanáticos en todo el mundo.

Si buscas una serie emocionante, llena de magia y aventuras, con personajes carismáticos y giros inesperados, entonces Fairy Tail es el anime perfecto para ti. Prepárate para sumergirte en un mundo lleno de magia deslumbrante, luchar contra peligrosos enemigos y descubrir el verdadero significado de la amistad y la valentía.

No te pierdas la oportunidad de unirte a Natsu y sus amigos en su emocionante viaje en Fairy Tail, una serie que te llevará a un reino fantástico lleno de sorpresas y momentos inolvidables.

Opciones de transmisión en México

NetflixAmazon PrimeDisney Plus
Todas las opciones de streaming/compra/alquiler


Aya Hirano
Aya Hirano
Cherami Leigh
Cherami Leigh
Todd Haberkorn
Todd Haberkorn
Tia Lynn Ballard
Tia Lynn Ballard
Tetsuya Kakihara
Tetsuya Kakihara
Colleen Clinkenbeard
Colleen Clinkenbeard
Newton Pittman
Newton Pittman
Brittney Karbowski
Brittney Karbowski

Cómo ver "Fairy Tail" en Netflix en México


Desafortunadamente, la serie "Fairy Tail", lanzada en 2009, no está disponible de inmediato en Netflix en México, pero ¡no te preocupes! Aún puedes verla hoy mismo y utilizar tu suscripción actual de Netflix. Explicaré cómo hacerlo en tres sencillos pasos.

  1. Regístrate en ExpressVPN e instala la aplicación en tu teléfono, tablet o televisión.
  2. Dentro de la aplicación de ExpressVPN, selecciona un país que tenga disponible la película o serie.
  3. Abre Netflix y comienza a ver "Fairy Tail" ¡ahora mismo!

Al utilizar ExpressVPN, podrás cambiar tu país y desbloquear el contenido de Netflix que se encuentra disponible en otras partes del mundo, como Francia. Una vez que hayas seguido los pasos anteriores, podrás disfrutar de las aventuras de "Fairy Tail" en Netflix, sumergiéndote en el emocionante mundo de los gremios de magos y las épicas batallas por la paz.

Desbloquear en Netflix con ExpressVPN

¡Disfruta de Fairy Tail en Amazon Prime en México con estos sencillos pasos!

Amazon Prime

Si bien la popular serie "Fairy Tail" no está disponible de manera inmediata en Amazon Prime México, ¡puedes desbloquearla y verla hoy mismo utilizando tu suscripción existente de Amazon Prime! Este servicio de streaming tiene diferentes contenidos disponibles en cada país, pero puedes cambiar tu ubicación utilizando una VPN.

  1. Regístrate en ExpressVPN e instala la aplicación en tu teléfono/tablet/televisor.
  2. Dentro de la aplicación de ExpressVPN, selecciona un país que tenga disponible la serie/película.
  3. ¡Abre Amazon Prime y comienza a disfrutarla en este preciso instante!

Mencionaré a modo ilustrativo que puedes elegir países como Canadá para cambiar tu ubicación y desbloquear "Fairy Tail".

No pierdas la oportunidad de sumergirte en este fantástico mundo de Fairy Tail y adentrarte en las emocionantes aventuras de Natsu, Lucy y sus amigos. Desde poderosos magos hasta increíbles criaturas, esta serie te mantendrá al borde de tu asiento con su acción, comedia y magia inigualables.

Aprovecha tu suscripción de Amazon Prime y el poder de una VPN para disfrutar de todos los episodios de Fairy Tail en todo su esplendor. ¡No hay mejor manera de pasar el tiempo que sumergiéndote en este universo único y cautivador!

Desbloquear en Amazon Prime con ExpressVPN

Ver "Fairy Tail" en Disney+ en México

Disney Plus

Es una lástima que "Fairy Tail", la popular serie de anime lanzada en 2009, no esté disponible en Disney+ en México. Estos servicios de transmisión siempre están cambiando sus catálogos, y nosotros nos mantenemos constantemente actualizados.

"Fairy Tail" es una emocionante aventura llena de magia, amistad y personajes memorables como Lucy Heartfilia, Natsu Dragneel y el gato parlante Happy. La trama sigue a un gremio de magos mientras enfrentan desafíos, se embarcan en misiones y descubren la verdad detrás de su misterioso pasado.

Aunque no puedas ver "Fairy Tail" en Disney+ en México, no todo está perdido. Existen formas de desbloquear contenido restringido en otros países utilizando servicios existentes. Si deseas saber cómo hacer eso, te invitamos a leer las otras secciones de este artículo, donde te explicamos cómo acceder al anime que tanto deseas.

Opciones para ver "Fairy Tail" en México

HBO MaxAmazon Prime VideoHuluNetflixNetflix basic with Ads

Si estás buscando diferentes formas de ver la serie "Fairy Tail" en México, existen varias opciones disponibles según tus preferencias y proveedores de streaming.

1. Servicios de transmisión en México: HBO Max

Una forma nativa de disfrutar de "Fairy Tail" en México es a través del servicio de streaming HBO Max. Con una suscripción a HBO Max, tendrás acceso a esta emocionante serie de anime en la comodidad de tu hogar. Explora el mundo de magia y aventuras de "Fairy Tail" con tan solo unos clics.

2. Desbloqueando "Fairy Tail" en México con ExpressVPN

Si ya tienes una suscripción a diferentes proveedores de streaming, como Amazon Prime, Hulu, o Netflix, puedes desbloquear "Fairy Tail" en México utilizando ExpressVPN. Esta herramienta te permitirá acceder al contenido de otros países, ampliando así tus opciones de transmisión.

2.1 Desbloqueando Amazon Prime en México con ExpressVPN

Si cuentas con Amazon Prime en Canadá, Francia o España y deseas ver "Fairy Tail" en México, ExpressVPN te ayudará a desbloquear y disfrutar de esta serie de anime.

2.2 Desbloqueando Hulu en México con ExpressVPN

Para aquellos que tienen acceso a Hulu en Estados Unidos y desean ver "Fairy Tail" en México, ExpressVPN puede brindar la solución para desbloquear este contenido y disfrutar de las emocionantes aventuras de la serie.

2.3 Desbloqueando Netflix en México con ExpressVPN

Si tienes acceso a Netflix en Francia, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japón, Singapur, Corea del Sur o España, ExpressVPN te permite desbloquear "Fairy Tail" en México. Podrás sumergirte en el mundo mágico de la serie desde la comodidad de tu hogar.

2.4 Desbloqueando Netflix con publicidad en México usando ExpressVPN

Si prefieres utilizar Netflix, incluso con anuncios, ExpressVPN también te permite desbloquear el contenido de Netflix en Francia, Japón, Corea del Sur o España. Así podrás disfrutar de "Fairy Tail" mientras ves tus episodios con anuncios ocasionales.

En resumen, para disfrutar de "Fairy Tail" en México, puedes elegir entre servicios de transmisión nativos como HBO Max, o utilizar ExpressVPN para desbloquear la serie en tus proveedores de streaming existentes como Amazon Prime, Hulu y Netflix en diferentes países. ¡Prepárate para un viaje lleno de magia y aventuras en el mundo de "Fairy Tail"!

Cómo ver Fairy Tail en México hoy

¡Regístrese en ExpressVPN y desbloquee Fairy Tail en México en 3 pasos rápidos!

Laptop Icon

Paso 1

Descargue la aplicación ExpressVPN de la tienda de aplicaciones y cree una cuenta

World Icon

Paso 2

En la aplicación ExpressVPN, seleccione el país que desea desbloquear

TV Icon

Paso 3

¡Abra su aplicación de transmisión en su teléfono / SmartTV / computadora y disfrute de su programa!


Fairy Tail: Temporada 1

The Fairy Tail
Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur

The Fairy Tail


Lucy wants nothing more than to join Fairy Tail, the most rambunctious wizard’s guild in Fiore. When a phony lures her onto his ship with the promise of getting into the guild of her dreams, her newest friends arrive to bail her out!

Fire Dragon, Monkey, and Bull
Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur

Fire Dragon, Monkey, and Bull


Lucy’s dream comes true when Natsu and Happy take her to their headquarters in Magnolia to meet the rowdy members of Fairy Tail. For her first job, Lucy braves Mt. Hakobe with her new friends to find a missing wizard.

Infiltrate the Everlue Mansion
Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur

Infiltrate the Everlue Mansion


Natsu picks up a job that could pay big money, but he needs a certain type of girl to complete his plan—and Lucy fits the description perfectly!

Dear Kaby
Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur

Dear Kaby


Natsu, Lucy and Happy will have to do more than just read between the lines to defeat the twisted Duke Everlue and his monstrous maid, Virgo.

The Wizard in Armor
Desbloqueable en Taiwán

The Wizard in Armor


Erza asks Gray and Natsu to form a team with her to stop a corrupt guild from using a dark magic that has the power to sap the lives of everyone in Fiore!

Fairies in the Wind
Desbloqueable en Taiwán

Fairies in the Wind


Erza’s team chases Erigor and his villainous guild to Oshibana station. Can Fairy Tail’s strongest team snuff the death flute before the Lullaby spell hits the airwaves, or will they find themselves in a whirlwind of trouble?

Flame and Wind
Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur

Flame and Wind


The wizards are sitting ducks behind Erigor’s impenetrable wind wall until Happy hatches a plan with a little service from the stars!

The Strongest Team
Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur

The Strongest Team


Natsu finally knocks the wind out of Erigor’s sails in a scorcher of a battle—but Fairy Tail’s strongest team still has a war to fight when the death flute’s dark magic plays an evil scale of epic proportions.

Natsu Devours a Village
Desbloqueable en Taiwán

Natsu Devours a Village


While traveling home with grumbling bellies, the team stumbles upon a deserted village with lots of yummy grub lying around, but Erza’s gut tells her something’s up. While she investigates, the boys chow on a forest full of odd fungus.

Natsu vs. Erza
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Natsu vs. Erza


Now that they’ve made it back to Fairy Tail headquarters, it’s time for Erza to answer Natsu’s challenge! Before things really get heated, the Guild Council stops by to arrest Erza, but Natsu’s not about to let her get away that easily!

The Cursed Island
Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur

The Cursed Island


Natsu, Happy and Lucy tread some seriously troubled waters when they break guild rules to take an S-class job request and end up shipwrecked on the cursed Galuna Island!

Moon Drip
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Moon Drip


When the team stumbles upon the infamous demon Deliora frozen in magic ice, cold memories—and a familiar face—are resurrected from Gray’s dark past.

Natsu vs. Yuka the Wave User
Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur

Natsu vs. Yuka the Wave User


Natsu races Lyon’s pawns back to the village with a defeated Gray in tow, making it just in time to fend off a bucket-load of poisonous goo delivered by a giant flying rodent!

Just Do Whatever!!
Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur

Just Do Whatever!!


Lucy boils up a plan to defeat a doll master wizard who’s on a mighty power-trip and one or both of them will be all washed up! Another Fairy Tail wizard arrives to pull the plug on the mission just as Natsu launches his attack on the island ruins!

Eternal Magic
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Eternal Magic


Ul sacrificed her own body to end Deliora’s reign with the Iced Shell technique. Gray cuts a path to the ruins to put the freeze on Lyon—who plans to release the indomitable monster just to see if he can best their mentor!

The Final Showdown on Galuna Island
Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur

The Final Showdown on Galuna Island


Face to face with his childhood rival, Gray is willing to do anything—even use Iced Shell—to stop Lyon from melting the ice to free Deliora!

Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur



Natsu puts the heat on the masked wizard and crumbles his plans to use Deliora for himself. The mystery of the village’s curse is yet to be solved—Erza prepares to take down the purple moon looming over the island!

Reach the Sky Above
Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur

Reach the Sky Above


In full gear, Erza—with the help of Natsu’s firepower—launches her lance at the sky to shatter the spell and restore the villagers’ true forms—and their memories!

Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur



Natsu absent-mindedly reads a spell that switches the minds and magic of everyone nearby! If they don’t figure out how to reverse the spell, they’ll be the most pathetic team of Fairy Tail—forever!

Natsu and the Dragon Egg
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Natsu and the Dragon Egg


Six years ago, Natsu stumbled upon an egg with strange markings all over it. He fought tooth and nail to hatch the egg so he could raise his own dragon, but along the way he got a little help from his friends, a lesson on love and a very happy surprise!

The Phantom Lord
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The Phantom Lord


A metal-headed member of the Phantom Lord guild wrecks the Fairy Tail headquarters, but Makarov turns the other cheek. It’s another story when someone attacks his own wizard children—he takes the whole guild to war!

Lucy Heartfilia
Desbloqueable en Taiwán

Lucy Heartfilia


The powers of the Dragon Slayers clash when Natsu goes head to head with Gajeel! The destruction is interrupted when a guild master takes a critical blow and word that Lucy has been kidnapped sends Natsu over the edge!

15 Minutes
Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur

15 Minutes


While a healing mage watches over Makarov, Fairy Tail regroups to plan their next move. But when Jose returns with a giant cannon capable of blasting the entire guild to bits, their time to act ticks away!

To Keep From Seeing Those Tears
Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur

To Keep From Seeing Those Tears


Natsu’s own fiery fists are used against him in a face-off with a fellow fire wizard blocking his path to destroy Jupiter! Meanwhile, a very creepy member of Phantom Lord’s Element 4 puts Elfman in a bind that only the might of a beast can break!

A Flower Blooms in the Rain
Desbloqueable en Taiwán

A Flower Blooms in the Rain


Elfman unleashes the dangerous full body beast mode to pummel Sol. Two of the Element 4 remain, and they must be taken down to stop the Abyss Break spell. Natsu wages war against the wind wizard and the drippy Juvia melts over Gray.

Wings of Flame
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Wings of Flame


Natsu struggles against the strongest of the Element 4—but a surprise blow from an armor-switching warrior knocks the wind right out of Aria! Meanwhile, Lucy is back in the sinister Jose’s grips after a heavy-handed jerk overpowers her protectors.

The Two Dragon Slayers
Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur

The Two Dragon Slayers


A seriously scary Natsu tests his mettle against the iron-scaled Gajeel—but he loses steam when there isn’t anything around to fuel his firepower! Back on land, the shades are pummeling the guild to the ground!

Fairy Law
Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur

Fairy Law


Thanks to a celestial smarty, Natsu gets fired up enough to finish off the cocky Gajeel. As Jose is moments from crushing Erza, extreme powers collide when Fairy Tail’s fearsome leader makes a blinding return to burn out Phantom Lord.

My Resolve
Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur

My Resolve


After a heated chat, Natsu and Gajeel share a dragon-related revelation. The triumphant wizards of Fairy Tail get right to work on a new guild headquarters. When Lucy’s friends pay her apartment a visit, she’s nowhere to be found!

Next Generation
Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur

Next Generation


Makarov can’t consider retirement while he’s always answering for Fairy Tail’s destructive reputation. The strongest team takes the stage with a theatrical production that should keep them out of trouble—but bad habits are tough to break!

A Star Removed from the Sky
Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur

A Star Removed from the Sky


Loke’s smooth with the ladies—but Lucy seems to be his kryptonite. Irked by his odd behavior around her, Lucy looks into his past with another Celestial Wizard and learns his startling secret!

Celestial Spirit King
Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur

Celestial Spirit King


Loke shares his unsettling story with Lucy. Refusing to let her friend fade away forever, Lucy challenges the authority of the almighty ruler of the skies himself!

The Tower of Heaven
Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur

The Tower of Heaven


The team takes a moment to kick back at a luxurious resort, but the vacation is cut short when a crew of dangerous rogues catches the wizards with their guards down and swipe Erza and Happy!

Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur



Natsu and the crew track the kidnappers to the looming Tower of Heaven where a demented figure from Erza’s past plans to activate a devastating forbidden magic with her as the living sacrifice!

Voice of Darkness
Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur

Voice of Darkness


Erza’s flashback continues. Her magical prowess awakened in the revolt against the slaves’ oppressors, but she failed to save Jellal. Now she has no choice but to fight her former friend to stop him from releasing horrors upon the world.

Heaven's Game
Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur

Heaven's Game


Natsu is temporarily declawed when he gets stuck in some stubborn headgear, but he uses his dome to defeat a kitty-loving baddy. It’s all a game to Jellal, who brings in three twisted wizards from the Assassin’s Guild.

Armor of the Heart
Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur

Armor of the Heart


With one sick riff, a noisy metalhead transforms Juvia into his own freaky slave and turns her against Lucy! Elsewhere in the castle, Natsu is gobbled up by a bird-brained rocketeer!

Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur



Erza slices through a samurai showdown with the sharpest of the Assassin’s Guild wizards and heads straight for Jellal—can she defeat him before the Council fires the destructive Etherion beam?

Give Our Prayers to the Sacred Light
Desbloqueable en Taiwán

Give Our Prayers to the Sacred Light


As Jellal’s plan falls into place, Erza is suddenly seconds from losing her body to resurrect Zeref! All hope seems lost unless her fire-breathing friend has enough flame in him to save her.

Titania Falls
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Titania Falls


Natsu works on wrecking the tower, much to the possessed wizard’s aggravation—who gets a taste of the Dragon Slayer’s true power. As the aftershock of the Etherion blast threatens to take everyone out, Erza decides to take one for the team.

Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur



Friendship prevails, Erza says farewell to old pals, and the strongest team of Fairy Tail return home to a bevy of surprises. Not only is the guild hall bigger and better than before—a couple new members have joined the ranks!

Battle of Fairy Tail
Desbloqueable en Taiwán

Battle of Fairy Tail


Magnolia’s Harvest Festival has begun and the town gathers to gawk at the Miss Fairy Tail beauty pageant. The guild gets a shock when all the contestants turn stone cold as a menacing member returns and starts a new contest of his own!

Defeat Your Friends to Save Your Friends
Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur

Defeat Your Friends to Save Your Friends


Makarov and Natsu are sitting ducks while the rest of the wizards battle each other to exhaustion. Laxus taunts the guild master with blackmail, but there’s still a dim light of hope—some of the strongest wizards still remain.

Thunder Palace
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Thunder Palace


After Erza takes on Evergreen, Laxus sends the guild a high-voltage threat! While the wizards search the city for the wired-up bully, Lucy and Happy are ambushed by creepy dolls!

Advent of Satan
Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur

Advent of Satan


Just when it seems she’s out of luck, Lucy’s most defiant—and amorous—celestial spirit saves her from death by dollies. Elsewhere in the city, the guild’s sweetest member makes a wicked transformation in a struggle to stop Freed.

Clash at Kardia Cathedral!
Desbloqueable en Taiwán

Clash at Kardia Cathedral!


The Raijin Tribe is defeated, but time ticks away for Fairy Tail to stop the Thunder Palace from frying the whole city. While Natsu puts the heat on Laxus, Erza prepares to dismantle the massive threat over Magnolia.

Triple Dragons
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Triple Dragons


After a telepathic pep talk, the Fairy Tail wizards put their quarrels aside to help Erza take the Thunder Palace down. With part of his plan foiled and another Dragon Slayer entering the fray, Laxus charges up for a thunderous attack.

Desbloqueable en Taiwán



The wrath of Laxus takes a shocking turn and a resilient fire-breather takes one last stand to stop the war. Despite the damage, the Fairy Tail wizards muster up the strength to put on a dazzling show for the Fantasia parade!

Fairy Tail: Temporada 2

Desbloqueable en Hong Kong

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Episodio 2

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Episodio 21

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Desbloqueable en Filipinas

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Episodio 47

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Episodio 48

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Desbloqueable en Taiwán

Episodio 49

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Episodio 50

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Episodio 51

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Episodio 52

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Episodio 53

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Episodio 54

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Episodio 55

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Desbloqueable en Taiwán

Episodio 56

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Taiwán

Episodio 57

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Taiwán

Episodio 58

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Taiwán

Episodio 59

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Taiwán

Episodio 60

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Taiwán

Episodio 61

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Taiwán

Episodio 62

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Taiwán

Episodio 63

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Taiwán

Episodio 64

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Taiwán

Episodio 65

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Taiwán

Episodio 66

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Taiwán

Episodio 67

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Taiwán

Episodio 68

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Taiwán

Episodio 69

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Taiwán

Episodio 70

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Taiwán

Episodio 71

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Francia

Episodio 72

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur

Episodio 73

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur

Episodio 74

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur

Episodio 75

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur

Episodio 76

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 77

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 78

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 79

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 80

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 81

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 82

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 83

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 84

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 85

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 86

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 87

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 88

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 89

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 90

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 91

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 92

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 93

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 94

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 95

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 96

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Fairy Tail: Temporada 2

Fairy Tail: Temporada 3

Fairy Tail: Temporada 3

Desbloqueable en Hong Kong

Episodio 1

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 2

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 3

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 4

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur

Episodio 5

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur

Episodio 6

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur

Episodio 7

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur

Episodio 8

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur

Episodio 9

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur

Episodio 10

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur

Episodio 11

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 12

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 13

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 14

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 15

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 16

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 17

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 18

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 19

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 20

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 21

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 22

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 23

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Hong Kong

Episodio 24

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 25

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 26

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 27

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 28

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 29

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 30

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 31

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 32

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 33

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 34

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 35

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 36

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 37

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 38

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 39

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 40

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 41

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 42

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 43

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 44

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 45

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 46

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 47

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 48

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 49

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 50

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 51

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 52

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 53

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 54

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Fiyi

Episodio 55

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Fiyi

Episodio 56

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Fiyi

Episodio 57

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Fiyi

Episodio 58

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Fiyi

Episodio 59

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Fiyi

Episodio 60

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Fiyi

Episodio 61

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Fiyi

Episodio 62

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Fiyi

Episodio 63

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Fiyi

Episodio 64

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Fiyi

Episodio 65

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Fiyi

Episodio 66

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Fiyi

Episodio 67

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Fiyi

Episodio 68

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Fiyi

Episodio 69

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Fiyi

Episodio 70

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Fiyi

Episodio 71

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Fiyi

Episodio 72

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Fiyi

Episodio 73

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Fiyi

Episodio 74

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Fiyi

Episodio 75

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Fiyi

Episodio 76

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Fiyi

Episodio 77

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Fiyi

Episodio 78

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Fiyi

Episodio 79

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Fiyi

Episodio 80

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Fiyi

Episodio 81

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Fiyi

Episodio 82

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 83

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 84

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 85

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 86

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 87

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 88

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 89

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 90

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 91

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 92

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 93

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 94

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 95

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 96

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 97

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 98

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 99

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 100

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 101

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 102

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 103

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 104

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 105

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 106

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 107

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 108

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Fairy Tail: Temporada 4

Desbloqueable en Hong Kong

Episodio 1

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 2

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 3

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 4

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur

Episodio 5

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur

Episodio 6

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur

Episodio 7

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur

Episodio 8

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur

Episodio 9

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur

Episodio 10

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur

Episodio 11

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 12

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 13

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 14

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 15

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 16

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 17

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 18

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 19

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 20

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 21

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 22

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 23

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 24

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 25

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 26

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 27

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 28

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 29

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 30

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 31

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 32

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 33

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 34

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 35

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 36

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 37

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 38

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 39

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 40

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 41

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 42

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 43

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 44

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 45

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 46

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 47

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 48

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 49

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 50

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Fairy Tail: Temporada 5

Desbloqueable en Hong Kong

Episodio 1

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur

Episodio 2

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur

Episodio 3

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur

Episodio 4

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur

Episodio 5

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur

Episodio 6

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur

Episodio 7

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur

Episodio 8

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur

Episodio 9

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur

Episodio 10

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur

Episodio 11

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur

Episodio 12

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur

Episodio 13

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur

Episodio 14

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur

Episodio 15

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur

Episodio 16

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur

Episodio 17

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur

Episodio 18

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur

Episodio 19

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur

Episodio 20

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur

Episodio 21

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur

Episodio 22

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur

Episodio 23

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur

Episodio 24

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur

Episodio 25

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur

Episodio 26

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 27

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 28

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 29

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 30

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 31

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 32

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 33

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 34

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 35

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 36

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 37

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 38

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 39

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 40

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 41

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 42

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 43

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 44

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 45

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 46

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 47

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 48

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 49

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 50

No disponible

No hay descripción disponible.

No disponible

Episodio 51

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Episodio 52

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Episodio 53

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Episodio 54

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Episodio 55

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Episodio 56

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Episodio 57

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Episodio 58

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Episodio 59

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Fairy Tail: Temporada 6

Morning of a New Adventure
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Morning of a New Adventure


While relaxing in their new bathhouse, the Fairy Tail women get a surprising, and not entirely welcome, visitor. Later, Natsu and Gray specifically get a job request from Warrod Seeken, 4th-ranked member of one of the Ten Wizard Saints. But what mission could a wizard of his stature have in mind for Fairy Tail?

Wizards vs. Hunters
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Wizards vs. Hunters


As the Fairy Tail Mages arrive at the mysterious Sun Village, completely frozen, they get into a fight with the Hunters of Sylph Labyrinth. Meanwhile, a new threat, Succubus Eye, is also approaching the village, with Minerva as the new recruit.

Art of Regression
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Art of Regression


As Erza is looking for a way to return to her original form, she is approached by none other than Minerva. Meanwhile, Natsu soon meets Doriate and his Magic, turning him into a child as well.

The Demon Returns
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The Demon Returns


As Flare is fighting against the Hunters of the Sylph Labyrinth, along with Lucy and Wendy, Erza finds herself under Minerva's attack. Meanwhile, Natsu is still searching for the familiar voice, all the while Gray ends up encountering Doriate, falling victim to his Magic as well

Gray vs. Doriate
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Gray vs. Doriate


Gray snaps out of the memories of Deliora, Moon Drip, and ice holding him back, and is ready to fight back. He asks Doriate whether he froze the Giants or not, before declaring his will to defeat him. Meanwhile, Lucy, Wendy and Flare, having defeated the Hunters, rush towards the Eternal Flame, worrying about their friends as well as the Giants at the same time. Happy and Carla are also in a predicament, as a Cyclops Monster roams the sky, scaring them into staying hidden.

Voice of the Flame
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Voice of the Flame


As Natsu battles the formidable winged cyclops monster, Gray enacts his plan to melt the mountain of ice encasing the Eternal Flame... but does he end up extinguishing that along with it? Plus: the identity of the familiar voice that called out to Natsu, bringing him to the frozen Eternal Flame!

Song of the Fairies
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Song of the Fairies


Natsu and the other Fairy Tail wizards help celebrate Flare's homecoming in the defrosted Sun Village. Meanwhile, Minerva returns to the Succubus Eye guild, only to find a member of Tartarus waiting for her. Later, the Fairy Tail wizards make it back to Warrod's house for rest, relaxation, and a revelation about his past!

Tartaros Chapter, Prologue - The Nine Demon Gates
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Tartaros Chapter, Prologue - The Nine Demon Gates


The Magic Council is having a meeting about the mysteriously-disappearing dark guilds when they're attacked by a powerful force, the harbinger of the Tartarus threat that will derail Fairy Tail's recent relative peace and quiet.

Tartaros Chapter, Prologue - Fairies vs. Netherworld
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Tartaros Chapter, Prologue - Fairies vs. Netherworld


The battle between Laxus and Tempesta ends with all the members of the Raijinshuu lying near death. Natsu and all the other Fairy Tail members want to avenge them, but Tartaros's whereabouts are unknown. Meanwhile, the demonic members of Tartaros begin to get intrigued with Fairy Tail...

Tartaros Chapter, Prologue - The White Legacy
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Tartaros Chapter, Prologue - The White Legacy


Natsu foiled the initial attempt on Michello's life, but now he has to battle Jackal, one of the Nine Demon Gates, to keep the former Magic Council member safe. It's a hard fight, especially since Jackal has the power to make anything he touches (or that touches him) explode.

Tartaros Chapter, Prologue - Natsu vs. Jackal
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Tartaros Chapter, Prologue - Natsu vs. Jackal


Natsu has a final showdown with Jackal, who turns himself into a human bomb at one point! Later, the other teams arrive too late, finding the other former members they're meant to protect already murdered by Tartaros...

Tartaros Chapter - Immorality and Sinners
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Tartaros Chapter - Immorality and Sinners


Erza and Mirajane visit Crawford, the former Magic Council chairman, and fall into Tartaros's trap. And in exchange for information on Tartaros, Doranbolt frees all the members of Oracion Seis!

Tartaros Chapter - Jellal vs. Oración Seis
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Tartaros Chapter - Jellal vs. Oración Seis


After breaking into the Tartaros stronghold, Natsu goes up against the foul Franmalth before getting an even chillier reception from another member! Meanwhile, the members of Oracion Seis are fighting for their freedom against Jellal, who tells them they're still slaves to darkness!

Tartaros Chapter - A Place Reached by Prayer
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Tartaros Chapter - A Place Reached by Prayer


As Natsu and Lisanna plot their escape from the cell, Tartaros gains control of the magic weapon of mass destruction, Face. Levy tracks down the dark guild's location and it's closer than anyone expected, but before they can mount a rescue to save Natsu and the others, a mind-controlled Elfman activates a lacrima bomb at the guild!

Tartaros Chapter - The Demon's Rebirth
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Tartaros Chapter - The Demon's Rebirth


Cana engineers a clever way to get everyone out of Fairy Tail moments before the headquarters is blown apart in a massive explosion. Inside the Cube, Erza turns the tables on Kyoka, but how does Erza's magic stand up against the power of Curses? And a sinister figure suddenly appears before the escaped Natsu...

Tartaros Chapter - To Let Live or Die
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Tartaros Chapter - To Let Live or Die


The members of Fairy Tail are inside Tartaros's Cube headquarters, but they're too late to stop Face from being activated. The countdown is on, with less than an hour before all magic on the continent is nullified. Meanwhile, Zeref warns Natsu of a fateful choice he'll have to make?!

Tartaros Chapter - Wendy vs. Ezel
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Tartaros Chapter - Wendy vs. Ezel


Franmalth uses the stolen power of Hades as he continues to battle Natsu and Lucy. Gray, Erza, and Mirajane are kept busy by other demons in the house, leaving Wendy and Carla as the only ones who can shut down Face, the weapon of mass magic destruction. Except the huge, multi-armed Ezel is waiting for them...

Tartaros Chapter - Friends Forever
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Tartaros Chapter - Friends Forever


Wendy has powered up for her showdown with Ezel, but in the end, she and Carla may have to make the ultimate sacrifice to stop Face from going off and obliterating magic all across the continent.

Tartaros Chapter - Hell's Core
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Tartaros Chapter - Hell's Core


While Franmalth attempts to absorb Natsu and Lucy's souls, Mirajane discovers the secret to the demons' immortality in Hell's Core, right before Seilah unleashes the restraints on her own power to take on Mira.

Tartaros Chapter - Underworld King
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Tartaros Chapter - Underworld King


Jellal, Meldy, and Oracion Seis come across Rusty Rose, who tells them of his encounter with Tartaros after finding out the Dark Guild was preying on Dark sub-guilds. Later, Jellal and Meldy head off towards Tartaros, but someone doesn't want them to go...

Tartaros Chapter - Alegria
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Tartaros Chapter - Alegria


Just when Mirajane is about to succumb to Seilah's Macro, she remembers a series of events in her childhood that could provide a clue to turning the tables on the Etherious demon. Then Mard Geer makes his move to neutralize all the Fairy Tail wizards and even scores of Tartaros soldiers on the Cube.

Tartaros Chapter - A Strike from the Stars
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Tartaros Chapter - A Strike from the Stars


All of the Fairy Tail members are flash-frozen, possibly dead, within the giant Tartaros prison called Plutogrim... except for Lucy, who seems to have escaped that fate through luck alone. But that luck seems to have run out as she's pursued through the prison by the members of Tartaros, including the Nine Demon Gates! So it's a good thing she can always count on her friends, the Celestial Spirits!

Tartaros Chapter - Celestial Spirit King vs. Underworld King
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Tartaros Chapter - Celestial Spirit King vs. Underworld King


Lucy is a wreck after giving up Aquarius forever in exchange for a one-time summoning of the Celestial Spirit King, who then takes on Mard Geer, the Underworld King. And Lucy finds she doesn't have time for tears as the explosive Jackal tries to take her out of the picture.

Tartaros Chapter - Erza vs. Minerva
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Tartaros Chapter - Erza vs. Minerva


Wendy and Carla successfully dismantled Face, only to find there are thousands more! And they find out what originally turned Minerva stone cold as she confronts Erza in the ruins of Tartaros HQ.

Tartaros Chapter - The Boy's Tale
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Tartaros Chapter - The Boy's Tale


Gray is shocked to learn that Silver is his father. Meanwhile, Natsu and the others continue their battle against the other Nine Demon Gates, while Minerva has a change of heart and Happy gets a mushroom-ectomy.

Tartaros Chapter - Gray vs. Silver
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Tartaros Chapter - Gray vs. Silver


The battle between Gray and Silver continues, although it's an uphill one for the Fairy Tail members, as Silver is an Ice Devil Slayer and therefore immune to ice attacks. Meanwhile, Wendy comes up with a desperate plan to stop the 3,000 magic pulse bombs from going off in less than an hour!

Tartaros Chapter - A Silver Wish
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Tartaros Chapter - A Silver Wish


Gray knows the truth, that Silver really is his father! Juvia battles Keys, the puppet master of the dead. And petite mushroom Franmalth gives the Fairy Tail members the runaround so they can't stop the 3,000 Face devices from going off.

Tartaros Chapter - Air
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Tartaros Chapter - Air


Sting and Rogue continue their battle with Mard Geer, leader of Tartaros. Meanwhile, Erza and Minerva are still in the labyrinthine Cube, searching for the control room so they can stop the continent-wide magic pulse bomb detonation. And Torafuzar and Tempester turn into their ultimate Etherious forms to take on Dragon Slayers Natsu and Gajeel.

Tartaros Chapter - Steel
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Tartaros Chapter - Steel


Gajeel is trapped in Torafuzar's toxic water. Even though his lungs are filled with air thanks to Levy, his body is quickly filling up with poison. And later, despite his body being filled with anti-magic particles, Laxus takes a last stand against the immortal Tempester.

Tartaros Chapter - Final Duels
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Tartaros Chapter - Final Duels


It's Laxus's last stand against the immortal Tempester! Plus, Erza and company finally reach the control room, where the dead former Magic Council chairman is in the process of activating the 3,000 Face bombs. Kyoka and Seilah are also there, and quickly act to prevent the Fairy Tail members from interfering...

Tartaros Chapter - Wings of Despair
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Tartaros Chapter - Wings of Despair


After more than seven years, out of nowhere, Fairy Tail's worst nightmare returns: Acnologia, the dragon that nearly slaughtered the guild's most powerful members. The timing couldn't be worse, as the Fairy Tail members are exhausted, but then Natsu somehow hears Igneel's voice...

Tartaros Chapter - Fire Dragon Iron Fist
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Tartaros Chapter - Fire Dragon Iron Fist


Natsu interrupts the fiery battle between Igneel and Acnologia to ask his burning questions, but his former foster father gives him a task instead of answers: to steal the Book of END from Mard Geer. This prompts the leader of Tartaros to speed up Face's timeline, by having Kyoka form a living link with the activation device. Only Erza can stop her, but will she prevail against Kyoka's ultimate Etherious form?

Tartaros Chapter - 00:00
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Tartaros Chapter - 00:00


The battle between Erza and Kyoka heats up as the demon uses her Curse power to make Erza and the other Fairy Tail members in the room ultra-sensitive to pain. And if that's not bad enough, Kyoka steals all five of Erza's senses!

Tartaros Chapter - The Girl in the Crystal
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Tartaros Chapter - The Girl in the Crystal


Natsu, Sting, and Rogue take on Mard Geer together while Igneel and Acnologia continue their battle overhead. Meanwhile, there's still the problem of thousands of magic-decimating Face bombs set to go off, but Makarov has an ace up his sleeve...

Tartaros Chapter - Absolute Demon
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Tartaros Chapter - Absolute Demon


Makarov may have a way to stop the threat of Face, but everyone's memory of it will have to be wiped afterwards. Meanwhile, the battle in the sky between Igneel and Acnologia rages on while Gray, now a Devil Slayer, joins the fight on the ground against Mard Geer.

Tartaros Chapter - Memento Mori
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Tartaros Chapter - Memento Mori


Rogue and Sting have one last chance to take out their former, now demonically resurrected, master. Meanwhile, it's hard enough for the tag team of Natsu and Gray to make any headway against Mard Geer's ultimate form, but then the Underworld King unleashes his ultimate curse, Memento Mori!

Tartaros Chapter - Soaring Above Ishgar
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Tartaros Chapter - Soaring Above Ishgar


Gray survives Mard Geer's ultimate Curse, revealing that his recent changes have left him not altogether human. Erza defeats Kyoka, but the demon has the last laugh as Face is activated. Almost immediately, the Fairy Tail members are sapped of strength as the Face units begin to siphon magic from all over the continent.

Tartaros Chapter - Drops of Fire
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Tartaros Chapter - Drops of Fire


It's dragons to the rescue before the Face devices can siphon all magic from the continent. But even as one crisis is averted, there's still the final battle between Igneel and Acnologia, as well as the reappearance of another well-nigh omnipotent foe.

Tartaros Chapter, Finale - Where the Power of Life Lies
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Tartaros Chapter, Finale - Where the Power of Life Lies


In this epilogue to the Tartaros saga, the dragons reveal a tragic secret to Fairy Tail, while Natsu makes a vow to Igneel's fading soul. In the aftermath, Makarov dissolves the guild, several members set out on their own quests, and Zeref drops a shocking revelation.

Fairy Tail: Temporada 7

The Fairy In Your Heart
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The Fairy In Your Heart


Natsu and Happy make a pilgrimage to Tenroujima, site of Mavis Vermillion's grave. This sets the stage for the origin story of Fairy Tail, with a six-year-old Mavis caught in the middle of a bloody war between two guilds on the island.

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Episodio 2

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Treasure Hunt
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Treasure Hunt


As Mavis's journey by sea continues, she explores an ancient underwater temple in an effort to find treasure that will fund the near-broke Yuri and Warrod. However, she inadvertently sets off a trap that seals all three of them inside with a giant deadly fish.

 Dancing with Blades
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Dancing with Blades


After taking in the sights, sounds, and tastes of the port town of Halcyon, Mavis gets down to the business of searching for Blue Skull. She teams up with a reticent Precht and the two end up in a bar that's more than it seems.

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Episodio 5

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Blue Skull
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Blue Skull


Mavis and the treasure hunters explore the decrepit town of Magnolia, looking for answers. Soon enough, they learn of the town's tragic fate and get involved in battle against the town's magically armed and violent oppressors, Blue Skull!

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Episodio 7

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Mavis and the treasure hunters enlist the good people of Magnolia to stage an uprising against their tormentors, the evil wizards of Blue Skull. It also helps that they now have their own magic power with which to fight back. But what happens when their goal turns out to be much more than a lost treasure?

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Possessed by the Tenrou Jade and transformed into a dragon skeleton, Yuri runs amok through Magnolia. Only Mavis has a chance at saving him with a form of ancient ultra-magic, but it comes with a terrible price.

Eternal Adventure
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Eternal Adventure


Mavis says farewell to Zera and contemplates her next move after the successful defeat of Blue Skull. The heartbreaking, hopeful final episode of this arc marks the end of the beginning of Fairy Tail.

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One year after the dissolution of Fairy Tail, Lucy has become an editorial trainee for Weekly Sorcerer. On the final day of the latest Grand Magic Games, she spots a scandal and looks on with everyone else as a spoiler appears to disrupt the proceedings after the final match!

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Episodio 12

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Episodio 13

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Episodio 14

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Episodio 15

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Episodio 16

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Episodio 17

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Episodio 18

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Fairy Tail: Temporada 8

The Lamia Scale Thanksgiving Festival
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The Lamia Scale Thanksgiving Festival


Natsu and Happy is reunited with Lucy one year after the dissolution of the guild. The three raise Fairy Tail rebuilding and go on a journey to find friends.

Because of Love
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Because of Love


The guild Orochi's Fin launched a night raid by releasing a large group of demons on the city of Margaret. Wendy and Sheria rushed through the sky to hit the enemy's main force.

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Natsu, Lucy, Wendy, Happy and Chales meet with Juvia in Amefurashi Village and discovers that Gray disappeared.

Underground Fight
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Underground Fight


The Guild of Black Wizards Avatar, plan a strategy of purification. In search of Gray's fate, Natsu, Lucy and Happy, who find the Guild location, will attempt to infiltrate in the enemy area.

Purification Strategy
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Purification Strategy


Believing that Zeref will appear at the location where several deaths will happen, the organization of the black magic, Avatar, will sacrifice an entire city. In order to stop the plan, Natsu and company run to the city of Malba.

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The main members of the Fairy Tail are reunited and behind the Black Wizards of Avatar. But the priest of the sanctuary, Arlok, is determined to do something to carry out the purification strategy.

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About 400 years ago, a boy who lost his beloved family, continued his forbidden search and was cursed by the God Ankhseram.

The Seventh Guild Master
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The Seventh Guild Master


After receiving Lucy's letters, the former's members of Fairy Tail, gathered in Magnolia for the rebirth of the guild and the rebuilding of the building.

Law of Space
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Law of Space


Under the command of Erza, the members who discovered the truth about the dissolution of the guild, go to the mainland Alvarez to help the sixth master of the guild, Makarov.

Emperor Spriggan
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Emperor Spriggan


Brandish, of Alvarez's Army, meets Natsu and company on the Caracole Island. Her power is so strong, that extinguishes the completely island. Meanwhile in Alvarez, the Emperor Spriggan returns to the Empire.

To The Land Abandoned by Gods
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To The Land Abandoned by Gods


The wizards met with Makarov and now have to escape from the Alvarez Empire. However, Azir, the King of the Desert and one of the Spriggan 12 is behind them.

Mavis and Zeref
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Mavis and Zeref


Mavis finally reveals the secrets of her past, including her connection with Fairy Tail, Zeref, and her own sin. The ever-turning gears of fate offer glimpses of hope, but also produce one final, tragic contradiction.

Fairy Heart
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Fairy Heart


The "miracle" that Mavis and Zeref create, has evolved into a powerful form of magic that must keep in secret. Mavis is still regretful for her sin, but the wizards of the guild try to cheer her up. The Alvarez Empire prepares to approach to Ishgar!

The Magnolia Defensive War
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The Magnolia Defensive War


Before the battle for Fairy Tail's existence begins, the guild members spend the final night in their own ways. But when Alvarez's vast army launches a surprise attack, Fairy Tail's bond of solidarity is put to the test.

Morning Star
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Morning Star


Fairy Tail allowed the Spriggan 12 to invade the city of Magnolia. Lucy comes face to face with Brandish, but gets nervous when she says a name.

For Whom the Parfum Flows
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For Whom the Parfum Flows


Magnolia is threatened by another member of the Spriggan 12, Wall. Wall's next target is Fried, who is in Kardia Cathedral.

Natsu vs. Zeref
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Natsu vs. Zeref


Wizard guilds all across Fiore join Fairy Tail in the battle against Zeref's armies. Meanwhile, Natsu and Happy speed off to the west to defeat Zeref once and for all.

Across 400 Years
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Across 400 Years


Zeref, sensing his impending death, reveals the secret behind Natsu's birth. After learning the shocking truth, Natsu swings his fist one last time. Meanwhile, Fiore's wizard guilds begin to battle the Alvarez army and the Spriggan 12.

What I Want to Do
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What I Want to Do


While fierce fighting continued throughout Fiore, there was also a case in Magnolia's "Fairy Tail" guild. For the moment the crisis has left, Lucy listens to the voice of Brandish to hear the information of her mother, Leila. But for a moment, hands stained with hatred and anger approached Lucy!

Not Until the Battle is Over
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Not Until the Battle is Over


God Serena defeats the Four Emperors of Ishgar and brings the eastern battle to its apparent conclusion. Meanwhile, Gajeel, Erza, Laxus, and other Fairy Tail members depart for different locations to support the other guilds in battle.

In a Silent Time
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In a Silent Time


While fighting Wall, Laxus is incapacitated when his Bane Particle contamination reaches a critical level. To the east, Wendy and Shelia confront "Warrior Queen" Dimaria of the Spriggan 12, but are instantly overwhelmed.

Natsu, Revived!!
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Natsu, Revived!!


Wendy is determined to use her Third Origin to defeat the powered-up Dimaria. But using it comes at a price: Wendy will never be able to use magic again. Meanwhile, another member of the Spriggan 12 singlehandedly attacks Fairy Tail's home base.

Historia of Corpses
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Historia of Corpses


Jacob unleashes his true anger after Lucy and Natsu thwart his initial plans. Eventually, he targets the other Fairy Tail members trapped in his alternate dimension. Meanwhile, the Hargeon battlefield is blanketed in darkness as a new foe appears.

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Neinhart produces Historias across the battlefield to plunge Hargeon into chaos. Past adversaries revive and attack the various guild members fighting to free the city. Erza struggles against three Historias at once, and soon finds herself immobilized…

The Third Seal
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The Third Seal


Natsu's team heads east with Brandish to negotiate with August, the Wizard King. Meanwhile, Sabertooth and Blue Pegasus spring back into action after Gajeel's team saves them. But the reinvigorated heroes face yet another nightmare…

Together, Always
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Together, Always


Gajeel attempts to defeat the invulnerable Bloodman in a last-ditch effort to save Levy. Meanwhile, Natsu's team watches on as Brandish tries to negotiate with August. Elsewhere, Irene and Acnologia come face to face with each other.

Fairy Tail Zero
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Fairy Tail Zero


Irene's Universe One spell reshapes the entire land of Fiore. All of the wizards from Ishgar are thrown into confusion, but they work together to make progress. Meanwhile, Mavis faces a new ordeal after she regains her physical form.

White Dragneel
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White Dragneel


Mirajane defeats her two powerful adversaries, but is caught by Irene before there's time to celebrate. Elsewhere, the various Fairy Tail teams follow their own paths in order to save Mavis. But the enemy is fully prepared and waiting to stop them.

The Winter Wizard
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The Winter Wizard


Gildarts makes a surprise return and confronts God Serena on the battlefield. Natsu and friends continue their push toward their guildhall, but soon realize how terrifying the Spriggan 12 truly are when they're fully assembled.

Gray and Juvia
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Gray and Juvia


Invel takes control of Gray and Juvia's minds. Despite being close friends, the two are forced to loathe each other and fight to the death. As the fight progresses, Juvia listens to her feelings for Gray and resists in a way only she can.

The Mightiest Demon of the Book of Zeref
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The Mightiest Demon of the Book of Zeref


Just as Gray learns E.N.D.'s true identity, Lucy faces off against Brandish. Lucy tries hard to avoid a fight, but her desperate pleas go unheard. With neither side willing to compromise, the ensuing battle triggers an all-new crisis.

Broken Bonds
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Broken Bonds


Natsu and Gray clash, unable to curb the hatred that has taken hold inside them. Meanwhile, Erza's group struggles to break through the massive enemy army. After Irene unleashes her special power, Mavis and Makarov step in to save the day.

Pleasure and Pain
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Pleasure and Pain


Erza's tears stop the fight between Gray and Natsu. Meanwhile, the remaining members of the Spriggan 12 commence a ferocious assault on Ishgar. August faces off against Crime Sorcière while Larcade unleashes an attack that affects friend and foe alike.

Natsu's Mind
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Natsu's Mind


Sting rushes to help as Larcade continues his relentless attack on Kagura's group. Meanwhile, Natsu falls unconscious and wakes up inside his own mind. He then revisits lost memories that shed light on his past.

Sting, the White Shadow Dragon
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Sting, the White Shadow Dragon


Sting absorbs Rogue's power and overwhelms Larcade with white and shadow magic. In response, Larcade unleashes the deadly Rest In Peace spell. Elsewhere, after an intense battle, Irene reveals a secret to Erza about her past.

Dragon Seed
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Dragon Seed


Irene shares the story of her past, including the secret of Erza's birth. She also reveals the origin of Dragon Slayer magic, her connection with Zeref, and the sad fate that Dragon Slayers bear. Meanwhile, Natsu continues his journey inside his mind.

Master Enchant
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Master Enchant


Irene and Erza face each other in an epic battle. When Wendy assists Erza, Irene makes a sudden realization that spells instant doom for Wendy.

Dragon or Demon
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Dragon or Demon


Irene unleashes Deus Sema, a power beyond human comprehension. With only her right arm, Erza combats the spell that threatens the entire area. Meanwhile, Natsu is forced to make an important decision that will forever change his fate.

Gray's Trump Card
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Gray's Trump Card


Magnolia reverts to its proper form after Irene's defeat. As retaliation, August prepares to destroy the town and everyone in it. Elsewhere, Gray reaches Zeref and is the first to learn about Zeref's true objective.

Dark Future
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Dark Future


Gray makes the ultimate choice to sacrifice his life and his very existence in order to trap Zeref in ice for all eternity. Meanwhile, the mighty Acnologia finally reaches Magnolia and causes great concern for both sides of the war.

My Name Is...
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My Name Is...


August seeks to understand the love that is shared between parent and child. When he threatens to kill Cana, Gildarts responds with rage. Meanwhile, Natsu and Zeref continue their epic battle, but a new situation develops when Larcade arrives.

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Larcade scowls in pain after Zeref rejects him as a son. Meanwhile, August begins to cast a powerful spell that threatens to destroy all of Magnolia, along with himself. Elsewhere, Erza and Wendy come face to face with the almighty Acnologia.

Neo Eclipse
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Neo Eclipse


Erza's team meets a mysterious woman with a plan that can completely destroy Acnologia. Meanwhile, Lucy and friends struggle to come to terms with the truth that connects Natsu's life and the Book of E.N.D. that they now hold.

Blind to Love
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Blind to Love


Anna, Blue Pegasus, and Erza's team attempt to destroy Acnologia using a hidden rift in time. Elsewhere, Zeref finally obtains everything he needs to reset time and relive his life 400 years earlier, before he turned immortal.

The Door of Vows
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The Door of Vows


Zeref obtains the power of a god - a power that transcends even time. Natsu seethes with a fiery rage as he holds the unconscious Mavis in his arms. Meanwhile, Acnologia continues to attack Blue Pegasus' ship as Anna struggles to re-open the time rift.

Raging Fire of the Dragon
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Raging Fire of the Dragon


Fairy Tail and Blue Pegasus continue to battle Acnologia. With the time rift now open, they're forced to make a difficult decision. In the guildhall, Natsu makes a miraculous recovery and confronts Zeref one final time.

When the Fire Dies
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When the Fire Dies


Mavis faces Zeref alone inside Fairy Tail's guildhall. As she reveals her conflicting feelings and the key to her plan, Zeref makes a sudden realization. Meanwhile, Lucy's team watches as Zeref's Book of E.N.D. starts to fade away…

World Destruction
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World Destruction


Zeref is gone, and Acnologia is now trapped inside a rift in time. Just when it seems like it's time to celebrate, an ominous crack appears in the sky. What's more, all of the Dragon Slayers suddenly vanish into thin air. The battle isn't over just yet!

Magic of Hope
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Magic of Hope


Inside the time rift, and with the fate of the world on the line, the seven Dragon Slayers battle Acnologia. Outside the rift, Acnologia's physical form continues to wreak havoc. The situation seems hopeless, until Lucy comes up with a last-ditch plan…

Hearts Connected
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Hearts Connected


Lucy's plan for stopping Acnologia's physical form is immediately ruined, but everyone comes together to keep hope alive. Inside the time rift, Natsu and the other Dragon Slayers face the spirit form of Acnologia in an epic seven-against-one battle.

Dearest Friends
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Dearest Friends


Using the power of all seven Dragon Slayers, Natsu unleashes one final, soulful attack on Acnologia. One year later, Lucy reveals everything that has happened since the battle.

Fairy Tail: Temporada 9

Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur

Episodio 1

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Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur

Episodio 2

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Episodio 3

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Episodio 4

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Episodio 5

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Episodio 6

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Episodio 7

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Episodio 8

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Episodio 9

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Episodio 10

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Episodio 11

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Episodio 12

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Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur

Episodio 13

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Episodio 14

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Episodio 15

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Episodio 16

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Episodio 17

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Episodio 18

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Episodio 19

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Episodio 20

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Episodio 21

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Episodio 22

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Episodio 23

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Episodio 24

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Episodio 25

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Episodio 26

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Episodio 27

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Episodio 28

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Episodio 29

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Episodio 30

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Episodio 31

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Episodio 32

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Episodio 33

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Episodio 34

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Episodio 35

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Episodio 36

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Episodio 37

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Episodio 38

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Desbloqueable en Corea del Sur

Episodio 39

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Episodio 40

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Episodio 41

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Episodio 42

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Episodio 43

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Episodio 44

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Episodio 45

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Episodio 46

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Episodio 47

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Episodio 48

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Episodio 49

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Episodio 50

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Episodio 51

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