
Lo sentimos, 脳内ポイズンベリー no está disponible en Netflix México . Verificamos Netflix cientos de veces al día, por lo que puede volver a consultar periódicamente para ver cuándo aparece para la transmisión.

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Ichiko is a 30-year-old unemployed woman. She meets Ryoichi at a drinking establishment. Even though he is a lot younger than her, she can't forget him. Meanwhile, Ichiko has 5 different characters in her brain that governs her actions. The 5 characters are Yoshida, Ishibashi, Ikeda, Hatoko and Kishi. These 5 character then have a fierce meeting. Yoshida presides over the meeting as the chairman. Ishibashi is the optimist. Ikeda is the pessimist. Hatoko is the character that lives in the moment and Kishi thinks about the past.


Hiyori Sakurada
Hiyori Sakurada
Yôko Maki
Yôko Maki
Hidetoshi Nishijima
Hidetoshi Nishijima
Ryûnosuke Kamiki
Ryûnosuke Kamiki
Kazuyuki Asano
Kazuyuki Asano
Yûki Furukawa
Yûki Furukawa
Maho Nonami
Maho Nonami
Rei Okamoto
Rei Okamoto

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