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Morten Arnfred's warm comedy Lykkevej (Move Me) begins with Sara (Birthe Neumann) being left by her husband of a quarter century. Sara gets a job and moves into a new home on a street populated by eccentrics. Neighbor Robert (Jesper Lohmann) showers in his backyard, has been in mourning since his wife's death, and annoys his neighbors by keeping junk on his front yard. Sara and Robert tentatively strike up a relationship, while a couple on the street, Sus and Bo (Ditte Grbl and Asger Reher), have their own marriage issues to deal with. Move Me was screened at the Gothenburg Film Festival.


Birthe Neumann
Birthe Neumann
Jesper Lohmann
Jesper Lohmann
Ditte Gråbøl
Ditte Gråbøl
Asger Reher
Asger Reher

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