Einmal bitte alles

Lo sentimos, Einmal bitte alles no está disponible en Netflix Panamá . Verificamos Netflix cientos de veces al día, por lo que puede volver a consultar periódicamente para ver cuándo aparece para la transmisión.

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Isi doesn't get the world anymore. Just a short while ago, life was wild, fun, and without obligations, but suddenly everyone around her seems to be grown-up and successful. With her diploma in one hand and a drink in the other, she is stuck between the careless days of college and real life. When her best friend Lotte gets a respectable job and becomes pregnant, Isi realizes that she needs to find a way to start living a life on her own.


Luise Heyer
Luise Heyer
Jytte-Merle Böhrnsen
Jytte-Merle Böhrnsen
Maximilian Schafroth
Maximilian Schafroth
Patrick Güldenberg
Patrick Güldenberg

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