White Gold

Disponible en Netflix Panamá

Sí, White Gold ya está disponible en Panamá Netflix. Llegó para transmisión en línea el September 22, 2022

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Narra las turbias aventuras y rivalidades mezquinas en una pequeña empresa que comercializa ventanas de doble acristalamiento en el Essex de los 80.

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Bobby Smalldridge
Bobby Smalldridge
Ed Westwick
Ed Westwick
James Buckley
James Buckley
Joe Thomas
Joe Thomas
Linzey Cocker
Linzey Cocker
Lauren O'Rourke
Lauren O'Rourke
Nigel Lindsay
Nigel Lindsay
Lee Ross
Lee Ross
Charlie-Lou Borthwick
Charlie-Lou Borthwick


White Gold: Temporada 1

Salesmen Are Like Vampires
Disponible en Panamá

Salesmen Are Like Vampires


Vincent tries to convince an old colleague to join the double-glazing business.

Sexy Rollercoaster
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Sexy Rollercoaster


When Vincent, Fitzpatrick and Lavender meet a group of men from a local publishing company, alpha male hackles are raised - not only do these men get an expense account, but they each have a company car. When Cachet boss Tony Walsh rejects Vincent's request to match these perks, Vincent starts to think that maybe he is in the wrong business. Meanwhile, in a bid to save face, Fitzpatrick puts faith in his comprehensive knowledge of Cachet's home turf - with potentially dangerous consequences. In the showroom, receptionist Carol tries to get to grips with the new office computer.

Close Encounters
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Close Encounters


When Vincent receives a visit from a tax inspector, pursuing him for unpaid tax, he decides that now would be a good time to get out of the showroom and spend more time with his family.

The Widow Maker
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The Widow Maker


When Vincent and Lavender discover that Fitzpatrick is a CB radio enthusiast, they can’t resist going undercover to dupe him. Meanwhile, Vincent receives some unexpected but exciting news – he’s been nominated for Entrepreneur of the Year in the Essex Business Awards.

Smell the Weakness
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Smell the Weakness


Vincent’s life has taken a turn for the worse – kicked out of the family home, in debt to the Inland Revenue to the tune of £50k, and worst of all – he's lost his sales mojo. He's gently sliding into the abyss when absolution appears in the most dangerous of forms. Lavender, having his own career-crises, is drawn back to the world of rock and roll, and invites Sam along to a gig.

The Secret of Sales
Disponible en Panamá

The Secret of Sales


In a bid to get back everything he’s lost – his marriage, his livelihood, his self-worth – Vincent concocts a spectacular plot to return to his rightful place.

White Gold: Temporada 2

The Past Does Not Equal the Future
Disponible en Panamá

The Past Does Not Equal the Future


Business is booming for Vincent Swan and the Cachet boys - or it is before a new rival salesperson appears, ripping it up around town and stealing most of their business.

Take One for the Team
Disponible en Panamá

Take One for the Team


Vincent is forced to employ Ronnie’s inexperienced, dimwitted son Ronnie Junior, who proves to be a liability, further complicating Vincent’s efforts to keep the business afloat.

The Essex Illuminati
Disponible en Panamá

The Essex Illuminati


Vincent infiltrates the local Freemason brotherhood and uses the opportunity to drum up new business, leading to unexpected consequences.

Small Victories
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Small Victories


With Jo now co-managing Cachet Windows, she uses her power to expose Lavender and Sam’s past, gaining the upper hand over Vincent.

Capturing the Flag
Disponible en Panamá

Capturing the Flag


Vincent takes his family to Malta under the guise of a summer holiday, where he receives a lucrative job offer in time shares.

Winning Isn't Everything
Disponible en Panamá

Winning Isn't Everything


Ronnie is still missing and Ronnie Jr is in turmoil. Meanwhile, Vincent has to decide who to take to Spain with him - Sam and the kids or arch-rival Jo Scott.

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