
Lo sentimos, Elevhemmet no está disponible en Netflix Panamá . Verificamos Netflix cientos de veces al día, por lo que puede volver a consultar periódicamente para ver cuándo aparece para la transmisión.

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In a typical school dorm two parties are colliding. One is the Hockey guys and their girls the other the drama students. As the night progresses one of the hockey guys deceides to shoot the puck in the hallway. This is very frustrating and one of the drama girls decides to do something about it. A collison is about to happen but with unexpected results...


Jakob Arevärn
Jakob Arevärn
Christopher Brändström
Christopher Brändström
Lisa Lindmark
Lisa Lindmark
Viktor Åkerblom
Viktor Åkerblom
Andreas Carlbom
Andreas Carlbom
Jenny Johansson
Jenny Johansson
Ellinor Långström
Ellinor Långström
Johan Lundkvist
Johan Lundkvist

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