Janet King

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Comment regarder Janet King sur Netflix
Pays Netflix
  • Nouvelle-ZélandeAustralie


Senior Prosecutor Janet King returns from maternity leave to confront a high-profile murder, and a conspiracy which will have shocking ramifications throughout the judicial system.


Leah Purcell
Leah Purcell
Marta Dusseldorp
Marta Dusseldorp
Damian Walshe-Howling
Damian Walshe-Howling
Hamish Michael
Hamish Michael
Andrea Demetriades
Andrea Demetriades
Peter Kowitz
Peter Kowitz
Christopher Morris
Christopher Morris
Anita Hegh
Anita Hegh
Aimee Pedersen
Aimee Pedersen
Ella Scott Lynch
Ella Scott Lynch


Janet King: Saison 1

A Song of Experience
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A Song of Experience


Senior Prosecutor Janet King returns from maternity leave to confront a high-profile murder, and a conspiracy which will have shocking ramifications throughout the judicial system.

Every Contact Leaves a Trace
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Every Contact Leaves a Trace


Janet is overwhelmed with guilt about Blakely's death, and Det. Campbell believes his demise could have something to do with an old case; Erin and Owen are preoccupied with a bikie murder.

Natural Justice
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Natural Justice


In the wake of the drive-by shooting of murder witness Zebina Petrakis, Erin finds herself emerging as a key witness herself in the case against the two bikies who committed the murder.

The Third Man
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The Third Man


The search for the third man who assisted in the Blakely murder uncovers an unlikely ally for Janet and the scent of high level corruption.

Lurking Doubt
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Lurking Doubt


Janet faces humiliation when Dianne Vasilich appeals against her conviction for murder. Her pursuit of corruption uncovers a shocking secret and sees Janet facing her greatest threat.

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After the attempted murder of her family, Janet suspects that she has stumbled onto a wide-ranging conspiracy involving powerful and well-connected paedophiles, including Judge Renmark.

An Achilles Heel
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An Achilles Heel


A sudden death, a false suspect and a shocking revelation from the witness box all conspire to block Janet's desperate search for the truth.

The Greatest Good
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The Greatest Good


Blakely's killer is finally revealed, but Janet discovers there's someone higher up pulling the strings - someone powerful and very close

Janet King: Saison 2

The Invisible Wound
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The Invisible Wound


Heading up a Royal Commission into gun crime, Janet King believes solving the murder of Todd Wilson will uncover what's fuelling the violence.

Here And Now
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Here And Now


After the drive-by shooting at the Nobakht's, the Royal Commission focuses on the origin of George Healy's gun and the 322,000 Todd left behind - leading to a dead body and a link to a murder.

In Plain Sight
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In Plain Sight


After discovering the gun used in the drive-by was used in Ash's killing and the kneecapping of gambling addict Felix Murphy, the Commission launches an undercover operation to find out who shot Felix.

The Smoking Gun
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The Smoking Gun


The suspicion on Karen is quickly transferred to Major Simon Hamilton and continues to mount due to his missing Ferrari, abusive reputation, no alibi for the night of Todd's murder and a shipping container full of handguns.

Apprehended Violence
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Apprehended Violence


With increasing political pressure for the Royal Commission to deliver results, and the container full of handguns so far yielding nothing, Janet is forced to fast-track the undercover mission.

The Thaw
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The Thaw


Following Brett Bonar's death, the Commission discovers he was not only the shooter at the Nobakht house and involved George Healy's killing, but he also knew Ash's killer. So who is he working for?

The Heart Of It
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The Heart Of It


Despite solving Todd Wilson's murder, the political pressure on Janet culminates in a dilemma: she must either step down or suspend the Royal Commission.

The Long Goodbye
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The Long Goodbye


With her Royal Commission suspended, Janet has to fight off the State Corruption watchdog, her political enemies, and ultimately, Ash's killer.

Janet King: Saison 3

Playing Advantage
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Playing Advantage


After the death of a young cricketer caught up in a betting scandal, Janet takes a job for the National Crime Commission investigating the dark world of organised crime and its links to match fixing and performance enhancing drugs.

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Janet’s estranged father suddenly re-enters her life suspected of fixing matches for the Northern Devils - a club already under intense scrutiny after their star player punches one of his teammates, resulting in his death.

Levelling the Playing Field
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Levelling the Playing Field


When Janet's father becomes the NCC's main suspect, she's torn between compromising the entire investigation & the need to pursue the truth. But as evidence against him grows, is a daughter's heart overruling a lawyer's head?

Running Out the Clock
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Running Out the Clock


If they find the drug responsible for Tyler's death, Nate will get off his manslaughter charge, but Maxine wants him to keep his mouth shut about the betting syndicate. The trial is fast approaching.

Game Changer
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Game Changer


Janet helps homeless teen Pearl which leads her to the drug that contributed to Pearl's brother's death, uncovering a doping & betting scandal with sports agent Maxine Reynolds as key suspect.

Hard Ball
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Hard Ball


As the NCC closes in on the man who forced Clay to kill himself, Janet discovers who is behind the betting syndicate, placing both herself and her father in danger.

White Line Fever
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White Line Fever


Janet discovers Darren Faulkes is the mastermind of the betting syndicate, but with no evidence, the NCC is forced to launch an undercover mission using a most unlikely operative.

Little Victories
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Little Victories


Janet is in a race against time to bring mastermind Darren Faulkes to justice. But the unexpected intervention of an old foe is about to derail Janet's entire investigation.

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