Golden Chariot in the Sky

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Pong Ddol dreams of forming a band – he names it Golden Chariot after the old cart full of instruments he pulls around the neighbourhood in hopes of recruiting band members. Money is another problem and there’s little chance they’ll find any. So Pong Ddol offers Chul-wook the job of band manager if he helps with financing. Strong emotions and subtle humor add depth to a film that may seem reminiscent of the instinctive wit seen in the work of Hong Sang-soo. Although the story involves a heterogeneous group of individuals who have been marked by traumas from the past, music has the potential to bring people together and smooth over old wounds, thereby allowing the story to move toward a positive resolution. But resolution doesn’t necessarily mean they’ll become stars – and they couldn’t care less.


Suk-bum Moon
Suk-bum Moon
Dong-ho Kim
Dong-ho Kim
Jung-won Yang
Jung-won Yang
Kyung-Joon Lee
Kyung-Joon Lee

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