We the People

Disponible sur Netflix Suisse

Oui, We the People est maintenant disponible sur Suisse Netflix. Il est arrivé pour le streaming en ligne le January 21, 2022

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Thanos Birkos
Thanos Birkos
Alexis Dermitzakis
Alexis Dermitzakis
Evi Kolioyli
Evi Kolioyli
Sasha Marienkaefer
Sasha Marienkaefer
Anastasis Kolovos
Anastasis Kolovos


We the People: Saison 1

Active Citizenship
Disponible en Suisse

Active Citizenship


You have the power to be an active citizen! A young woman finds her voice building community and making change, to the groove of a H.E.R. song.

The Bill of Rights
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The Bill of Rights


These are our rights, what makes the USA the USA: speech, press, religion and more — and no one can take them away. Performed by Adam Lambert.

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The subject of taxes can be a lil complicated. But when rapper Cordae breaks it down, it all begins to make sense.

The Three Branches of Government
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The Three Branches of Government


Lin-Manuel Miranda, Daveed Diggs, Brittany Howard and the "Frozen" songwriters lay out a musical lesson about checks and balances in our government.

The First Amendment
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The First Amendment


Brandi Carlile delivers a message for the young: speak out against the forces that try to silence you — because your right to free speech is protected!

Federal vs State Power
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Federal vs State Power


States do some things, feds do others. But when federal and state governments link up, it's a beautiful balance of power. Performed by Kyle.

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A Bebe Rexha song celebrates Nikola Tesla, Isabel Allende, Eddie Van Halen and more who started life somewhere else before becoming Americans.

The Courts
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The Courts


A citizen's anthem from Andra Day says, "All rise!" When you need the law, the courts heed the call. Justice for one should mean justice for all.

We the People
Disponible en Suisse

We the People


We the people hold the power, and when we struggle, we pick each other up and get a little bit… stronger! Performed by Janelle Monáe.

The Miracle of Morning
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The Miracle of Morning


Amanda Gorman, America's first-ever National Youth Poet Laureate, recites an original poem that celebrates people coming together.

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