Secret Life Of The Tasmanian Devil

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Tasmanian devils are the bruisers of the animal kingdom: feisty, fearless, and always up for a fight. But despite being at the top of the food chain, these marsupials face extinction due to a deadly disease they pass on to one another through biting. Join conservationists as they step into the turf of this brawling ball of ferocity, in a bid to rescue them from themselves.


Secret Life Of The Tasmanian Devil: Saison 1

Meet the Devils
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Meet the Devils


Early settlers to Tasmania thought that a demon was behind the blood-chilling shrieks emanating from the woods. They weren't entirely wrong: the aggression, ferocity, and volatile temper of the Tasmanian Devil make for a menacing marsupial. Crawl with us through the undergrowth as we look closely at the tempestuous life of a Tasmanian icon.

Young Devils
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Young Devils


Young Tasmanian devils, known as imps, have one of the fastest growth rates in the animal kingdom: Males can go from from being the size of a lentil at birth, to a weight of 24 pounds a mere 2 years later. That's 15,000 times heavier! Burrow into the surprisingly tender family life of this prickly marsupial.

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