Die Frauen der Wikinger - Odins Töchter

Disponible sur Netflix Suisse

Oui, Die Frauen der Wikinger - Odins Töchter est maintenant disponible sur Suisse Netflix. Il est arrivé pour le streaming en ligne le January 20, 2022

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"VIKING WOMEN" gives completely new insights into a fascinating culture, about which it seemed everything was already known. Exclusive interviews with experts from around the globe draw an authentic picture of the Viking world according to the latest scientific findings. High quality recreations with an international top-class cast will lead us to the early medieval world of the Vikings and revive this fascinating, long-lost era. Based on characters of the Nordic sagas, the mini-series displays the life stories of two Viking women: those of Sigrun and Jova.

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Annette Lober
Annette Lober
Leonie Benesch
Leonie Benesch
Jakob Benkhofer
Jakob Benkhofer
Peter Clös
Peter Clös


Die Frauen der Wikinger - Odins Töchter: Saison 1

Part 1: Sigrun's Wrath And The Discovery Of Iceland
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Part 1: Sigrun's Wrath And The Discovery Of Iceland


Viking women commanded ships and settled colonies. They took up arms and negotiated with emperors. Their traces can now be discovered all the way from America to Kiev. Without their biographies the period of the Vikings stays incomplete. This is the story of Sigrun, in Norway, in the year 872.

Part 2: Jova's Heritage And The Fall Of Haithabu
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Part 2: Jova's Heritage And The Fall Of Haithabu


Viking influence stretches from the Baltic to the Black Sea in 1072. Jova, a young Viking woman, goes in search of her warrior father, and her quest takes us to the Viking communities transitioning to kingdoms and undergoing the transformation to Christianity.

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