

はい、 ロストソググ日本 Netflix で利用できるようになりました。 January 20, 2022 にオンライン ストリーミング用に配信されました


  • 日本オーストラリア連邦ブラジルノルウェーポルトガルパキスタンニュージーランドコスタリカデンマークフランスインドイタリアメキシコスペインスウェーデンタイアルゼンチン香港フィリピンシンガポール英国ドイツ米国アイルランドカナダ台湾フィンランドイスラエルスイスパナマ大韓民国 (韓国)南アフリカオランダオーストリア


―その歌は星の運命すら変える 2大歌姫による幻奏叙事詩[ファンタジーオペラ] 舞台は架空の大陸ヌーナシア。 無数の国々や文明が興り、繁栄し、争い、 滅んでいった悠久の歴史が刻まれている。 緑豊かな辺境の村・ダンデラに住むリンは ちょっと(?)食いしん坊で元気な女の子。 しっかり者で優しいお姉さんのメル、 発明オタクで世界一の科学者を目指している少年・アル、 厳しくも愛情深いおじいさんに囲まれのどかで平穏な暮らしをしている。 一方、華やかな王都で、民衆から愛される歌姫・フィーニス。 彼女は次期国王となる王子のお妃候補でありながら 幾重もの壁に囲まれた王宮の奥深くで孤独な毎日を過ごしている。 そんな対照的な2人にはほかの人間にはない、ある特別な力がある。 傷を癒やし、水を作り出し、火を灯す… さまざまな奇跡を生む“歌”を歌うことができるのだ。 …運命は、歌の力を持つ2人を、それぞれ過酷な旅へ誘う。 戦争の影が王国を覆いつくすと奇跡の歌の輝きさえ血の色に染まってゆく。 愛する者たちの命が奪われ声なき悲鳴が石牢に響く。 2人の運命が交わり最後に歌われる歌は絶望か、希望か、それとも……。



Melissa Fahn
Melissa Fahn
Konomi Suzuki
Konomi Suzuki
Yukari Tamura
Yukari Tamura
Cherami Leigh
Cherami Leigh
Todd Haberkorn
Todd Haberkorn
Keith Silverstein
Keith Silverstein
Kira Buckland
Kira Buckland
Erika Harlacher
Erika Harlacher
Cassandra Lee Morris
Cassandra Lee Morris
Kyle McCarley
Kyle McCarley


ロストソググ: シーズン1

The Song of Healing

The Song of Healing


A young girl named Rin lives with her younger brother Al, older sister Mel and grandfather Talgia Hawkray in the faraway Dandera Village deep within a forest. Rin is devoted to go to the Capital and sing in the Court Orchestra, while Al is determined to show off his prototype inventions. However, Talgia refuses and even forbids Rin from singing. Rin and Al are given the opportunity to sneak out by venturing into the forest to pick berries, whereupon they stumble upon an injured knight from the Capital, later recognized as Henry Leobolt. Although Al wants to return to get medicine, Rin decides to treat Henry with the Song of Healing. After Henry formally introduces himself and tries to honor their wish of going to the Capital, ice mysteriously begins to spread throughout the forest, separating Rin and Al from Henry.

The Song of Departure

The Song of Departure


Henry returns to the Capital, only to be told that a war is upon the country in its competition for the power of their songstress, later recognized as Finis, whose songs can rejuvenate and heal soldiers. Henry refuses to see Finis as a tool to be used in war. Finis, a beautiful but clumsy woman, is forbidden to leave the palace tower, according to her maid Corte. The ruthless prince Rudo Bernstein IV intends to marry Finis and keep her bound to the castle. While Finis enjoys fresh air in the garden on a rare occasion with her attendants, she gets lost and almost killed by an assassin. Henry arrives to save her and earns the title of being her bodyguard.

The Song of Love

The Song of Love


The innkeepers sell out Rin, Al and Pony to some knights of the Capital Army. Pony attempts to stall them, but she is knocked out. Al then throws a Star Bomb, a type of firecracker bomb invention that can act as a smoke screen. However, Al gets stabbed by a dagger in the process, and Rin uses the Song of Healing to treat him. The knights promptly capture Rin, Al and Pony on boats. Al uses a knife to saw through his ropes before untying Rin and Pony. Also, Pony teaches Rin the Song of Wind. With Al's Star Bombs and then Rin's Song of Wind, the knights are successfully defeated.

The Song of Depravity

The Song of Depravity


Henry fights in the front lines alongside comrades Berrow and Snore. Finis later arrives on the front lines and put her life in danger to use her Song of Healing in order to revive the soldiers. Henry then hears word that Finis plans to use the destructive Weapon of Song against the enemy.

The Song of Encounter

The Song of Encounter


Corte realizes that a frail Finis is using her powers for war to protect Henry. Being told that Rudo would execute Henry if Finis did not use her powers against the enemy, Corte runs into the forest to gather herbs. When a knight tells Corte that Finis has gone to the watering hole, Corte instinctively runs back into the forest.

The Song of Goodbye

The Song of Goodbye


Henry reunites with Finis, Berrow and Snore in the forest. Although Corte is relieved to find them, Rudo arrives to take Finis to the Montvale Fortress, but Henry proposes that it can be captured without the use of Finis. Henry, Berrow and Snore ultimately conquers the Montvale Fortress. Meanwhile, Rin, Al, Pony, Monica and Allu find a cottage owned by Doctor Weissen, who has all sorts of contraptions.

The Song of Mortality

The Song of Mortality


While the front line knights celebrate with a banquet in honor of their victory at their army camp, Corte sternly warns Finis and Henry to run away.

The Song of Eternity

The Song of Eternity


In an alternate timeline, astronomer Henry predicts that the Moon has changed its orbit and will collide into Earth in about 60,000 years. When Henry and Finis meet, she tells him that she is a songstress who was blessed with the power to make miracles, until she used that power to kill her dearly beloved. According to her, life is an endless yet hopeless cycle between past and future

The Song of Nostalgia

The Song of Nostalgia


Finis, now in cloaked attire, is told by Bazra that her power of songs will achieve world domination, but she states that their prior agreement was for her to sing her Song of Mortality during the Starsong Festival. Rin, Pony, Monica and Allu realize that Finis has only been seen by a few knights of the Capital Army.

The Song of Determination

The Song of Determination


Rin was taken in by Talgia and Mel as a baby. Talgia was against Bazra's views of using Finis's power of songs as a tool of war. While dueling, Bazra used a fire echo device to disable Talgia's right arm from wielding his sword. After Talgia later held Rin by his left arm, Rin sang the Song of Healing to treat his right arm, as he vowed to always protect her.

The Song of Silence

The Song of Silence


Al reveals that his jet pack is powered by wind echo devices, but the weight of Rin causes both of them to fall. While Rin, Al, Pony, Monica, Allu, Henry, Berrow and Snore camp out, they spot an airship, which they assume that Bazra is heading to the Capital.

The Song of Beginning

The Song of Beginning


Finis and the Court Orchestra perform the Song of Mortality, forcing the Moon to start falling towards Earth. Henry, Berrow and Snore fight against Bazra, who is equipped with the new Symphony Killer.




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