申し訳ありませんが、 DornröschenはNetflix Japan ではご利用いただけませんが、日本では今すぐロックを解除して視聴を開始できます!いくつかの簡単な手順で、Netflix の地域を ドイツ のような国に変更し、 Dornröschen を含む Netflix ドイツ の視聴を開始できます。
Netflix で Dornröschen を視聴する方法On the occasion of their daughter's birth, the king and queen give a lavish feast. Among the guests are twelve fairies who endow the infant in the cradle with all good qualities. As the king loathes diligence, he does not invite the thirteenth fairy - the fairy of diligence. A captain lets her slip into the castle and she casts a spell on Sleeping Beauty, wishing death upon her. The twelfth fairy transforms and mitigates the spell. On the day she turns fifteen, the princess is to sink into a hundred-year sleep after pricking her finger on a spindle.