Athey Kangal

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A woman gets ready to leave for a get together and finds her husband dead in their room. In no time, she is also tried to kill by a black masked face man. His attempt gets failed and he escapes. The woman is now in state of shock and mentally paralysed. A murder case is registered and investigation take place. Susi (Kanchana) a young college girl comes to her home for vacation along with her friends. She lives with younger paternal uncles Kamalanathan and Vimalanathan who are the younger brothers of the victim and her aunt who was supposed to be the victim in the hands of the murderer. Susi meets Baskar (Ravichandran), a singer and both of them are attracted to each other at first sight.


S.A. Ashokan
S.A. Ashokan
A. Karunanidhi
A. Karunanidhi

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