The Hunt for the Zodiac Killer

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A look at the hunt for California's Zodiac Killer, who murdered at least five people in the San Francisco Bay Area in the late 1960s and early '70s.


The Hunt for the Zodiac Killer: Temporada 1

The New Suspect
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The New Suspect


A new hunt for the mysterious Zodiac Killer gains unprecedented access to files, unearthing a complicated cypher that may contain the killer’s name, and links between the Zodiac Killer and an unsolved case. A prime suspect with code training emerges.

The Military Connection
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The Military Connection


The hunt uncovers clues that the Zodiac Killer may have served in the U.S. Armed Forces, as the team’s supercomputer identifies strange symbols in the killer’s code that would have been known to only a few when it was written. Sal and Ken find new evidence that may lead to the killer.

A New Code Uncovered
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A New Code Uncovered


The hunt uncovers a mysterious new cipher related to the Zodiac Killer, while the team’s supercomputer uncovers a strange lunar pattern linking the killings. A taunting riddle by the killer may lead to a body. A second prime suspect emerges.

The Secret FBI Files
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The Secret FBI Files


The hunt goes into high-gear as the FBI releases secret files on the mysterious Zodiac Killer, and a handwriting analyst connects the Zodiac’s letters to a taunting letter mailed 3,000 miles away in Albany, NY. The code team has a massive breakthrough on the Z-340.

The Code is Cracked
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The Code is Cracked


Sal and Ken investigate San Francisco, the epicenter of the Zodiac Killer murders, as the Code Team announces extraordinary news: A team member has solved the Zodiac’s infamous Z340 code, which has eluded codebreakers for 50 years.

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