Désolé, L'Ère des Cristaux n'est pas disponible sur Netflix Belgique . Nous vérifions Netflix des centaines de fois par jour, vous pouvez donc vérifier régulièrement pour voir quand il apparaît pour le streaming.
Même si ce n'est pas disponible, saviez-vous qu'il existe des milliers de films et d'émissions supplémentaires que vous pouvez regarder en changeant votre pays Netflix ? Ne manquez pas!
Débloquez des films et des émissions supplémentaires sur NetflixDans un très lointain avenir, les humains ont disparu. Ne reste qu’une nouvelle forme d’êtres vivants minéraux, les “gemmes”, se livrant à une guerre contre les Séléniens, une race lunaire mystérieuse. Chez ces êtres de cristaux, la valeur guerrière tient à la résistance du cristal. Phos, être de cristal fragile, tente d’exister dans un conflit pour lequel il n’est pas taillé. Incapable de guerroyer, il s’attèle alors à rechercher les origines du conflit dans l’Histoire de leur monde. Qui, de l’historien ou du combattant, mettra fin à la guerre ?
Master Kongo finally decides to give the young Phos an assignment. Much to Phos dismay the assignment is to write an encyclopedia about the world.
Phos is looking for ideas for the encyclopedia but is struggling to come up with anything. They go to Diamond for help as they have been working on a new technique.
Unable to find Phos the group is concerned of what happened to them. However, Diamond is determined to bring Phos back.
Phos is attacked, but manages to make a new friend out of the attacker. Together, both travel to the ocean where Phos learns more about the past.
Phos is captured by the Lunarians. King reveals the truth behind the deception but is interrupted by their slumbering brother.
Phos has recovered from the disaster at sea and has gained a new ability! What will happen to Phos as they put their skill to use as a lookout?
It's winter time and everyone is discussing the best way to make it through the cold. Meanwhile, Phos gets roped into Antarcticite's yearly duties.
Pho has lost their arms, but Master Kongo believes them to be at the Chord Shore. Antarcticite makes it their mission to piece Phos back together.
Spring comes with a bitter taste for Phos as they try to cope with the kidnapping of Antarcticite. In the meantime, the gems are trying to come to terms with the new Phos.
To help them get a better grasp of their new-found abilities, Bort and Phos team up. Dia on the other hand feels a bit left out.
A recent incident has ignited some internal questions in Phos' mind. Who's Shiro and why is Sensei so kind to this Lunarian?
Phos must now decide to follow their instinct or back down. What will happen if they try to investigate further?
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