Rölli ja Metsänhenki

Lo sentimos, Rölli ja Metsänhenki no está disponible en Netflix Brasil . Verificamos Netflix cientos de veces al día, por lo que puede volver a consultar periódicamente para ver cuándo aparece para la transmisión.

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Hairy and rowdy creatures called rolleys sail to a land inhabited by more peace-loving elves. When the rolleys arrive to the elf village, they scare the elves away and settle down in the village. One of the elves, Milli, a brave elf girl, returns to the village to make a peace with the rolleys. The rolleys do not warm to Milli's peace proposal, but she becomes friends with a rolley called Rölli. It becomes their mission to solve the conflict between the elves and the rolleys.


Allan Tuppurainen
Allan Tuppurainen
Maria Järvenhelmi
Maria Järvenhelmi
Peter Franzén
Peter Franzén
Kari Hietalahti
Kari Hietalahti

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