River Monsters

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Requins-tigres, raies armées, murènes… Tout le monde connaît les dangereuses créatures qui vivent au fond des mers. Mais qu’en est-il de celles qui rôdent au fond des rivières ? Jeremy Wade nous entraîne avec lui sur la piste des plus terrifiantes créatures d’eau douce, les traquant aux quatre coins du monde, au sein des rivières les plus dangereuses et des lacs les plus reculés. Il n’hésitera pas à mettre sa vie en péril pour rapporter les images les plus spectaculaires de ces monstres méconnus. Oserez-vous partir avec lui à la pêche ?


Blythe Rosewarne
Blythe Rosewarne


River Monsters: Saison 1

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In 1976 a packed coach crashed into the Amazon killing 39 people. By the time the bodies were pulled out by rescuers some had been so viciously mutilated by piranha they could only be identified by their clothes. Tracking down survivors and eyewitnesses of piranha attacks, Jeremy Wade reveals why the piranha fills our nightmares.

Killer Catfish
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Killer Catfish


Two years ago, on the treacherous Kali River, high in the mountains of Northern India, Jeremy Wade unearthed the mother of all fisherman's tales and the ultimate freshwater horror: a super-sized freshwater fish turned man-eater. Jeremy takes on the biggest, toughest challenge he's ever faced as he heads back to the Himalayas to separate fact from fiction and track down the monstrous beast.

Alligator Gar
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Alligator Gar


In the Deep South is a river monster with the reputation of a devil. Blamed for a series of violent attacks on humans, this creature is said to be as vicious as a shark and as big as an alligator. The authorities said it should be annihilated, but not all are so quick to condemn it. Extreme angler Jeremy Wade heads to Texas on its trail in an attempt to uncover the facts behind this animal's notoriety. Helped by local expertise and with his own wits honed sharp, he finds new ways to reveal the truth about the monster alligator gar.

European Maneater
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European Maneater


Reports of an attack on a swimmer in a lake close to Berlin is the starting point for an intense and shocking investigation. Wade travels to Germany where he meets modern-day victims of a beast that has been raising its snout above the surface of fresh waters in Europe regularly over the past 700 years. Investigations travel to Spain where Wade discovers firsthand that the wels catfish is a living, breathing aggressive predator growing to man-eating proportions capable of everything depicted in medieval records and more.

Amazon Assassins
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Amazon Assassins


In the darkest depths of the Amazon lurks a dinosaur. Legends tell of an evil spirit inhabiting an enormous fish. Taller than a man, it is covered in scales and crushes its prey with a tongue made of bone. Jeremy Wade has encountered this creature once before, and he came out second best. He's taking no chances in the rematch.

Amazon Flesh Eaters
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Amazon Flesh Eaters


A man swallowed whole by a fish. A body eaten alive from within. Another penetrated in a most unnatural fashion, and yet more with multiple stab wounds. Jeremy Wade is in pursuit of these notorious killers to discover the facts — to determine if their crimes are real and their methods as gruesome as reported.

Freshwater Shark
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Freshwater Shark


No fish inspires the same terror as the shark, a creature with an insatiable hunger for brutal violence. But at least these killers are confined to the oceans. Or are they? Expert angler Jeremy Wade investigates whether it's possible for sharks to live in freshwater, and if so just how far inland these vicious predators will bring their reign of terror.

River Monsters: Saison 2

Death Ray
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Death Ray


Jeremy Wade heads to the Mekong River in search of one of the world's largest, most terrifying river fish, the giant freshwater stingray. Armed with a venomous 10-inch barbed tail, this 700-pound monster pushes Jeremy to his limit.

Killer Snakehead
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Killer Snakehead


Angler Jeremy Wade sets his sights on an aggressive Far Eastern predator that's now invading America's backyards. Accused of homicide, and said to breathe air and crawl on land, the Snakehead is a monster that sounds more like a gangster than a fish.

Congo Killer
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Congo Killer


Jeremy Wade travels to one of the few rivers left on earth that will still test a fisherman. The Congo, a river steeped in legends... and soaked in violence. One spirit in particular is said to lure fishermen from their boats to their death.

Alaskan Horror
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Alaskan Horror


Extreme angler Jeremy Wade searches for the lethal lake monster of native legend that's been dragging people down to an icy grave for centuries. He ends up landing the largest fish he's ever caught, but is this the monster?

Rift Valley Killer
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Rift Valley Killer


Jeremy Wade is on a quest to Africa's Rift Valley to explore the roots of fishing and the monsters these first fishermen faced. It's a dangerous place, filled with killer crocs, hippos and warring gangs, but at its heart is a worthy prize: the Mputa, aka Nile perch, Africa's largest freshwater fish.

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Épisode 6

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Épisode 7

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Épisode 8

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River Monsters: Saison 3

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Épisode 1

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Épisode 2

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Épisode 3

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Épisode 4

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Épisode 5

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Épisode 6

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Épisode 7

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Épisode 8

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Épisode 9

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Épisode 10

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Épisode 11

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Épisode 12

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River Monsters: Saison 4

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Épisode 1

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Épisode 3

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Épisode 4

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Épisode 5

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Épisode 6

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Épisode 7

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Épisode 8

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Épisode 9

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Épisode 10

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Épisode 11

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Épisode 12

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Épisode 13

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Épisode 14

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River Monsters: Saison 5

Atomic Assassin
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Atomic Assassin


Jeremy Wade searches for a monster that leads him to the site of the worst nuclear accident in history, Chernobyl. In a nerve-shredding race against radiation & time, he searches for the perpetrator of a series of grizzly attacks.

Killer Torpedo
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Killer Torpedo


Angler Jeremy Wade ventures deep into the heart of Central America in search of a man-sized killer said to leap into boats and cause fatal injuries as it knocks fishermen unconscious and smashes their bones.

Colombian Slasher
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Colombian Slasher


Jeremy pushes himself and his gear past the breaking point to discover what killed a bride in the Colombian Amazon. Amidst dense jungle and hostage-taking rebels, Jeremy discovers evidence that turns the investigation on its head.

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Épisode 4

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Face Ripper
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Face Ripper


Jeremy investigates his most disturbing case yet: the story of a man who had his face ripped off in a remote Bolivian river. The journey through dangerous jungle ends with a confrontation with one of his oldest adversaries.

Legend of Loch Ness
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Legend of Loch Ness


For more than 30 years, hardened angler Jeremy Wade has taken on the world’s most legendary river monsters bar one - the Loch Ness Monster. It’s a challenge he’s been reluctant to take on … until now. But can the freshwater detective succeed where so many have failed and uncover the true identity of the creature behind the myth? On an epic mission to track down the world’s most famous cryptid, he travels from the depths of Loch Ness to the volcanoes of Iceland and beyond.

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Épisode 7

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River Monsters: Saison 6

Amazon Apocalypse
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Amazon Apocalypse


Hundreds died when the Sobral Santos sank on the Amazon, many rumored to have been eaten alive. Jeremy Wade retraces the doomed boat's last voyage & faces adversaries, old & new, as he tries to uncover what happened.

Jungle Terminator
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Jungle Terminator


Jeremy Wade investigates three mysterious deaths in three South American countries on his most remote mission to date. Will living with a secretive jungle tribe help him discover the terrifying creature responsible?

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Épisode 3

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Man-Eating Monster
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Man-Eating Monster


For years, Jeremy Wade has hunted a legendary Amazon giant called the lau-lau, a creature said to swallow men whole. The evidence he needs, a single colossal specimen, has so far eluded him. This time he's more determined than ever.

Bone Crusher
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Bone Crusher


Extreme angler Jeremy Wade is on the trail of a new river monster after a corpse is found with unusual injuries. He also uncovers a spate of disappearances & a mysterious creature patrolling the water. Are all 3 things connected?

Body Snatcher
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Body Snatcher


Jeremy Wade has heard tales of a body-snatching spirit that locals call the Water Mama. Now, people are disappearing from these waters and Jeremy is convinced there's a real flesh and blood River Monster lurking behind the legend.

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Épisode 7

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Épisode 8

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Épisode 9

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Épisode 10

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Épisode 11

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River Monsters: Saison 7

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Épisode 1

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Épisode 2

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Prehistoric Terror
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Prehistoric Terror


Jeremy Wade is on the trail of horrifying killers from the depths of time. Fearsome, prehistoric beasts are brought back to life using cutting edge technology and recently unearthed fossils in a quest to find the greatest river monster of all time.

Alaska's Cold Water Killer
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Alaska's Cold Water Killer


For years fishermen have been vanishing in Alaska’s remote and unforgiving wilderness - their deaths unseen, their bodies never found. For freshwater detective Jeremy Wade, a recent fatal incident sends him on a search for possible suspects.

South Pacific Terrors
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South Pacific Terrors


In Fiji, people are being attacked from unseen assailants in the water, but it's not clear if there are multiple culprits, or a single persistent perpetrator. Jeremy Wade battles tropical storms and thick jungle in an all-out search for a culprit.

Africa's Deadliest
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Africa's Deadliest


Jeremy Wade returns to Africa’s Okavango Delta to investigate a pack-hunting carnivore blamed for mauling the victims of a capsized boat. This time, Jeremy decides to put on his dive gear and offer himself as live bait in croc-infested waters.

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Épisode 7

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Épisode 8

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Épisode 9

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Épisode 10

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Épisode 11

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Épisode 12

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River Monsters: Saison 8

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Épisode 1

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Épisode 2

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Épisode 3

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Épisode 4

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Épisode 5

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Épisode 6

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Épisode 7

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Épisode 8

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Épisode 9

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Épisode 10

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Épisode 11

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Épisode 12

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River Monsters: Saison 9

Killers From the Abyss
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Killers From the Abyss


Wade takes on the biggest investigation of his career -- to unravel what happened to over 1,000 passengers of the RMS Laconia, torpedoed in the mid-Atlantic; he travels the globe, battling giant fish, massive sharks and a deep-sea monster.

Ice Cold Killer
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Ice Cold Killer


Traveling from London to Greenland and on to Norway, Wade follows the trail of an unknown sea monster; fishing through ice to extreme depths, he attempts to reel in this monster before the full fury of an Arctic storm hits.

Coral Reef Killer
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Coral Reef Killer


When a snorkeler is impaled & killed by an unseen underwater assailant in the waters surrounding the island of Sulawesi in Indonesia, Jeremy Wade travels to the islands to investigate a spate of similar attacks across the region.

Return of the Killer Catfish
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Return of the Killer Catfish


Jeremy Wade investigates a case in Nepal that sounds strangely familiar - a lone fisherman dragged off his feet & into a mountain river by an unseen creature. Is the original river monster, the goonch catfish, back from the brink?

Volcanic Island Terror
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Volcanic Island Terror


On a volcanic Pacific island, an ancient fishing community is being terrorized by something unknown in the water that’s been leaving behind mysterious puncture wounds on its victims. Can Wade uncover the identity of this fanged assailant?

Malaysian Lake Monster
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Malaysian Lake Monster


When two men mysteriously vanish on a remote lake in Malaysia, Wade sets out to track down the possible killer. Amid rumors of a giant fish on the loose, he follows the evidence into the last stronghold of an old adversary: the one river monster that he’s failed to catch.

Final Cast: Arctic Assailant
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Final Cast: Arctic Assailant


Jeremy heads to the frozen depths in Greenland and ice fishes in his deepest location yet on his final adventures.

Final Cast: The Goonch
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Final Cast: The Goonch


Jeremy hunts down an old nemesis when reports come in of a fisherman being dragged into the waters of Nepal.

Final Cast: Beast of Volcano Island
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Final Cast: Beast of Volcano Island


Jeremy heads to the Pacific Ring of Fire to investigate a mysterious fish leaving some gruesome puncture wounds on its victims.

Final Cast: Reef Ripper
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Final Cast: Reef Ripper


Jeremy investigates a mystery fish that impales swimmers around the volcanic islands of Indonesia on his final adventures

Jeremy's Monster Story
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Jeremy's Monster Story


In this special episode, Jeremy reveals brand-new personal insights and untold stories behind the most epic and challenging adventures of his River Monsters career.

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